Dear Athena,
Ron Hubbard conducted research, and had empoyees and associates who assisted him. Also, Ron studied mysticism, and some of the mystical secrets are revealed in his writing. Ron was a Rosecrucian, and some felt he violated the oath of secrecy taken by Rosecrucians.
Ron wrote books by making an outline, and then repeating through the outline, for each different chapter. Ron usually dictated the books,and they were transcribed by others.
So not all the material in Ron's books is truly original. Some was the re-working of secrets of mysticism, and some was from the ideas of others who were working with Ron.
I personally find Ron's lists of problem solving questions helpful. I also find the Tone Scale valuable, and the PTS/SP technology of push people helpful.
A belief in God is not essential to understand Ron's teachings. An argument can be made that Ron spoke against the existence of God. I do not find Ron's words to be a definitive thesis against the existence of God, but rather a mystical means of expressing spirtual beliefs without a reliance upon the concept of a God.
When walking into any church, it is wise ot hang onto your mind and your wallet. Calling Scientolgy a Cult is probably a healthy warning sign, but many other churches need similar warning signs.
I personally don't use the E-Meter. What do you think you would like from mysticism or religeon?