Hi Everybody!
I am happy to find this forum. I've been reading some posts and I found some interesting alternatives to cure and prevent acne.
But I still have some questions and it would be GREAT if you guys could help me.
Ok. I am 27 years old, so sometimes I wonder why now I am having a lot fo acne, cause I am not a teenager anymore. And actually I din't have a lot of
Acne back then.
I have been getting a lot of
Acne specially in my forehead. And the pimples take foever to go away. Some of them are there for many weeks.
The way I have been trying to treat is with a gel that has 10% benzoyl peroxide before going to sleep and by scrubbing during shower with the saint yves apricot gel. It helps, but I am still getting a lot fo pimples and they remain for a long time.
On this forum, I was reading about vitamim B5, liver cleanser and seal salt water,etc..
What treatments could work for me?
B5? Is it good? I heard that vitamins Bs could give more acne
How do clean the liver? Can this help?
What about
Seasalt water?
Should I drop using the
Acne gel and scrubbing my face with saint yves apricot gel and just use one or more of these alternative treatments?
What is MC?
I will apreciate very much your help.
Thanks a lot