Ya' know I'm no expert but it sounds as though your having some kind of reaction rather than actual acne. Have you recently changed your diet, skin regimen or have you moved to a new state/country?
I know there alot of people here that are somewhat distrustful of doctors but I'd suggest seeing a dermatoligist (if possible) for their opinion. Also, and I'm sorry to disagree with Dot, I'd recommend NOT popping cysts with pins... it merely spreads infection, causes scarring and will make it worse (personal opinion.)
If all else fails I'd recommend a gentle cleanser (a honey glyercin soap.. especially manuka honey (UMF of 10+ or higher)would be great) as well as watering down your apple cider vinegar a bit before applying and possibly changing your diet a little to see if maybe its something your eating that your allergic to.