Hi there...
I hope you're doing well.
First of all, you say you weigh 39lbs...
I know that you live in England and probably use the International System but here in the U.S we use metric... so maybe when you say that you weigh 39 pounds, you really mean 39 kilos because 39 kilos would approximately equal 86 pounds... Because if you weigh 39
pounds there is no way anyone would think you look good and are faking your illness.
This is my two cents...
When Jordan got well... he first did it through diet... it's all in his book
The maker's diet which I hope you have.
I went from completely vegan with a bunch of
food intolerances and digestive problems and I'm not that much of a believer in supplements...
The first food that you need to get well, is what every mammal passes on to their offsping after giving birth to introduce your digestive system with the necessary tools for digestion... that food is colostrum but you must get raw goat colostrum kefir... because it is the most digestible...
That or raw goat milk kefir... the results are immediate!!!!!!!
You must must must get organic grass fed raw colostrum kephir in your diet... it is the first thing you must consume... that or organic raw goat milk kephir... That is the most natural and the most absorbable way to get probiotics in your colon which you desperately need.
All the probiotic pill popping will not work as quickly...
This food works faster and better.
colostrum kefir is a food... not supplements and I don't know where you can get this in England but... here in the states I buy it at my local farmer's market because i live in California where raw dairy products are allowed.
Here's where you can get it...
But do some research in your own area... try to find farmers who raise goats on just grass and are organic and see if they sell raw goat milk and you can order kephir grains and make it yourself.
order raw kephir right away to start healing your colon and introducing bacteria in it the natural way
they spell kefir.. qephor on their website for some reason) sometimes it's spelled kephir also
I can't stretch how important it is...
I wish you a speedy recovery and I'm sending you positive vibrations...
Be strong!