Thank you. I ordered it on along with Parazyme. It looks like you use Paragone after a cleanse, followed by Parazyme to bring your system full circle.
I'll start this after the 10 day cleanse and see how it goes. Day 7 tomorrow - woo hoo!
ParaGONE™ is an advanced, two-part cleansing formula made with 16 natural herbs, minerals, and fatty acids traditionally used to support a healthy balance of intestinal flora and organisms. ParaGONE is formulated to be taken in harmony with your normal daily activity. A cleanse program with ParaGONE, combined with sensible diet changes, can leave you feeling energized, rejuvenated, and healthy.
ReNew Life's ParaGONE Formula contains these natural compounds:
Calcium Undecylenate
Black-Walnut (green rind) Quassia Caprylic Acid Pau d'Arco Cascara Sagrada Garlic Cloves Pumpkin seed Grapefruit seed extract Pippli - an Indian pepper Rosemary oil Thyme Marshmallow Orange peel Bismuth Citrate
No fasting necessary.
Recommended as a second-phase cleanse to support a healthy balance of flora and organisms.