Vitamin C is not stored within the body,
and we do not make it on our own.
It is flushed out from our system everyday.
Most people barely take in enough to even get through the
system much less utilised by it, due to how clean your body is.
how effective in absorbing nutrients etc,
One super BIG misconception that many folks have,
is that if it is vit c *fortified* that somehow means
YOU will get the benefit.
There are many properties about vitamin C,
one being that it is water soluable,
2nd that it dissipates as well extremely rapidly when
exposed to air and/ or sunlight.
Another note of importance,
is that when a company adds vitamin c,
you have NO CLUE
as to when in the process of bottling or creation ,
it was added.
But they can still label it as such ,
since it was an *added ingredient*
Unless it was added at the complete end before capping,
It was probably all lost in processing through air dissipation
and /or whatever means of production that was employed.
If you were lucky enough to get it added as very last tail end,
the moment you open the product, if it is in a liquid form,
it will immediately begin to dissipate.
So if you have it added in a juice say,
that you have bought bottled,
by the time you drink even one glass,
you will have probably lost most all of the rest of
the vitamin that might have been in the bottle!
(bottled juices btw are not healthy at all,
and in fact, greatly lower your immune system,
due to excessive
Sugar content)
The only time I drink a bottled juice is
prior to a flush, bottled apple juice,
only for the maltic acid in it that helps
soften liver/gallbladder stone.
So even if you do use crystals as your vitamin c
intake boost,
be sure to drink it as fast as possible.
AND I completely agree with the poster that said to
break it up during the day.
The body generally processes only 8 ozs fluid at a time
thru the kidneys, anything above that is stressful on the
kidneys and also stored (the liquid, not the vitamin c)
until the kidneys can process it.
Vitamin C is NOT stored by the body.
That is why I add mine (in crystal form) to every drink,
in small increments,
and drink a small amt of liquid throughout the day.
to ensure that I am getting the most out of what I am intaking,
in a nonstressful way for my kidneys.
Hope this is of help to you .
Ami Joi Benton