A few years ago when we lived in the Bahamas, we heard an announcement on TV out of Atlanta, GA.
Scholiosis (sp?) in newborns is caused by lack of Folic Acid in the pregnant mother's diet.
FOLIC ACID?! That's dark leafy greens! I knew the value of dark leafy greens when I was eight! (Sixty years ago!)
What pregnant woman WOULDN'T be eating dark leafy greens?
What woman who WANTED to become pregnant wouldn't be eating dark leafy greens?
Dark leafy greens were listed by name in the Canada Food Rules, for goodness sake!
(Don't know if they are any longer...maybe they are just called 'vegetables' now. Someone said that the U.S. food rules now ask people to eat five to thirteen servings of 'vegetables' daily.)
But, that's not the half of it!
Again and again I hear hints that even dark leafy greens aren't all they used to be!
For example, I've read that a person would have to eat seventy-five (75!) bowls of spinach today, to get the iron once found in ONE bowl of 1936 spinach.
I was reading in the Diabetes II forum last night, and on page 4 I came across cfrench's concerns about the lack of magnesium in our foods, and mention that diabetics pee away magnesium in excessive urination, from lack of control. ('Lack of control' suggests hormones, to me. And, we make our own from nutrients in food.)
Bingo! I remember that some TV commercial mentioned the ADULT DIAPER AISLE at your supermarket!
I was born in 1938. I owned a grocery store for 10 years - 1975 to 1985. There never was an 'ADULT DIAPER AISLE'! (And, as a grocer, I'd have been ashamed to admit that one was necessary.)
Who is kidding who?
Even Dr. Weill quietly suggests 'grow your own', and shows a picture of his little daughter in their home garden.
I wrote an article which CureZone was kind enough to rate R/N. It was about something I had read somewhere - that Nutrients come from Rock, in Water, over Time.
The point was that microscopic organisms work on rock (gravel, sand, clays) to leach out the minerals and carry them to the roots of plants. In enough sunshine, and enough water, plants turn the minerals into plant food, and food for the rest of living things.
That's the base of the 'food chain'. We don't need 'science' to understand the system.
We don't even need 'science' to live well. In my opinion, 'science' will never understand it all. I mean, look at the confusion wrought over soil deficiencies from trying to force repeated massive crops from exhausted land.
Iron and magnesium deficiencies, as vital as those elements may be, are only the tip of our ailment 'iceburg'!
There is a gardener, Eliot Coleman, in New England. He produces five vegetables during winter, in his unheated greenhouse.
He sends his produce to market. Apparently, his carrots are the coin of trade among local schoolchildren. Their little bodies 'know' nutrition when they taste it!
And, where does Eliot (correct spelling) get his 'fertilizer'? ...From wild lands all around. Compost!
If we farm vegetables relatively quickly, from one plot (or pot) of soil, the microrganisms don't have enough time to leach enough minerals (plant nutrients) from the sand grains in the soil.
It's as simple as that.
Also, we are supposed to poop back onto our growing soil, returning the nutrients we have only borrowed.
Heaven only knows what we are pooping now!
(Gotta go now, I'll finish this later.)