If you are drinking milk, stop. Milk causes all kinds of phlegm problems. Almond milk, oatmeal milk or rice milk are much better substitutes. Pizza and other products with cheese are also culprits.
If you have phelgm and do not have dairy in your diet, I believe that cayenne and apple cider vinegar are very helpful. Cayenne raise the btu's of your body and elimantes phlegm. When the phlegm is gone, back off on the cayenne. When I get phlegm, I amp it up with cayenne and jalepenos and it goes away.
For longer term relief, I would suggest a teaspoon of raw apple cider vinegar with a dash of cinnamon three times a day until the phlegm quits coming back. You can add apple cider vinegar to a strong juice like carrot juice or pomogrenete juice to take the edge off of sharp taste and with the juice you get the added benefit of the juiced fruits and veggies as well. Supefood is also a great store purchased drink to take with