>BTW how would you feel about having a forum here on curezone for people following the Cutler protocol? There seem to be an awful lot of people out there either suffering in silence or following dangerous protocols
Great idea Johnny!! :)
its something I've been kicking around for a while. Here are my reasons. The yahoo frequent dose group is cryptically named, and is lacking any kind of expertise. At the same time it is heavily censored. The yahoo autism group is much better, but the volume of messages is too high and it is geared largely towards autism. In any case the yahoo group format isn't the most user friendly.
On curezone the
Candida Forum here has lots of people dealing with mercury issues, as do the
Amalgam Forum , the chelation forum, and the multitude of other dental forums. But the
Candida Forum is also full of complete newbies who don't have a clue and are just here to ask "where can I buy threelac in the toronto area?" etc.
So there are a lot of people who would benefit from chelation right here on curezone.
Chelation is scary. Rather than doing it on our own, we can do it with others - in much the same way as the
Liver Flush Forum functions. Only we don't have to physically chelate at the same time, but people can if they like. A buddy system if you will.
The important thing is to make a start and to pool our experiences/expertise. Cutlers book is a great start to the world of chelation, but many find it overwhelming, and even for those of us who don't there are many unanswered questions. How to best control candida whilst chelating? And probably the main question - how long will it take, and can I speed it up in any way.
The rules of the forum would be that it was there to discuss Chelation using the Cutler protocol. Of course people would be free to discuss other ways of chelating mercury, but the assumption would be that everyone there has at least read Cutler (or plans to) and agrees with the basic methodology. If they don't there are plenty of other forums.
One of the main blocks to people accepting the need to chelate is the leap of faith it requires to understand a mercury hair test. One of the functions of the forum could be to collect as many hair test results as possible and allow people to see the diagnostic value of a "deranged mineral profile".
Naming is difficult. For names I was thinking of something along the lines of:
"Chelation: Cutler protocol". Frequent dose is too cryptic. Chelation on its own already exists (not a good idea to take over a pre-existing forum). Cutler protocol on its also a bit cryptic.
What do you think?