Greetings Maya,
Thank you so much for gifting the glass distiller jug link! This has made my day. I am forced to wait before ordering, however, as I cannot afford it at this time. Yet another addition to my "top priority" list!
I received the monatomic element-containing Evolution super-food, and I shall begin my spiritual ascendance proper this Monday coming. I am planning to live on grape juice, super-food and Aurum Solis, whilst also flushing my liver each evening with a personalised 5-7 day flush protocol... I shall of course detail my experience in the hope of benefiting others as well as myself. (For I am sure to make mistakes that others would do well to avoid...)
I also plan to begin making my own orgone devices soon, in hope of satiating my desire for the perfect pyramid.
I am sorry for the delay in my response. It seems the Sun has once again heralded the unsurprising return of my "not-of-this-world" state...and yet again I am being shown the number 33 at least ten times daily.
Lapis Lazuli; Bloodstone; White Powdered Gold; Orgone: The Master Plan...
I trust you are well? I certainly hope so.