Curing Cancer 'Child's Play'! from:
"Cancer, too, responds very well to urine therapy. Most effective appears to be the urine fast employed by Armstrong.
His first cancer patient was a nurse who had herself cared for over fifty cancer patients. She knew that any cancer pain is mild as compared to that experienced from the regrowth commonly occurring after medical intervention.
Usually visible tumours such as with breast cancer disappeared within three weeks, but sometimes even in one week. Armstrong called curing cancer 'child's play' except if patients had already received chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
I also know personally of several cases of cancer cures exclusively or mainly due to urine therapy; sometimes the addition of urine therapy to a natural cancer program appeared to be responsible for the successful outcome.
Most of the scientific cancer reports concentrate on urine extracts of anti-cancer agents. One such extract is called H-11, another HUD, others Retine, DHEA hormone or Anti-neoplaston.
While good results were reported with all of these, it is very expensive to treat patients in this way and the treatment would be even more effective and much cheaper if all of these cancer-fighting ingredients of urine were used together by ingesting whole urine.
Surprisingly, uric acid is not just the villain causing gout, it is also a proven anti-cancer agent and rejuvenating factor. However, the crown of the cancer-fighting urine ingredients may actually belong to urea, the most common chemical in urine. "
For more info on the therapy
My mother died of stomach cancer. She did not know about the therapy at that time, but I think she would have tried it knowing how strongly she felt about natural ways. She had surgery, chemio and radiation and she was against it. She suffered all that for nothing. I feel a bit guilty today knowing she was against those interventions but she did it for us because we had hope it would save her.
This is the title of an article and I thought it might interest some people. I did not write the article and I though the title was quite strong and provocative. I also don't think curing cancer is 'child play', far from it.
But I do believe in the merits of the therapy when applied correctly with the right diet etc. because I saw many people who had good results with the therapy. I will try to find the testimonials saying it didn't help and read them. Maybe you could point me to a few. I don't think it would cure everybodies' cancer but it might for a few. If it can help at least one person in this forum, I would say it's not wasted time.
Sorry if it sounded like I did not take this sickness seriously.
Ammonia is not present in the urine if it is taken within 15 minutes after evacuation. Ammonia is only present in aged urine. Aged urine is even more beneficial for exterior use (massages, compresses). As for the acidity, yes it is not advised to put back in the body more acidity and that is why what you eat is so important.
Armstrong who treated many patients suggested taking everything that passes. He helped cure lots of people (desperate cases) this way. But as advised by authors, we should always prepare a long time in advance eating lots of alcalinizing foods a few weeks before starting a fast or the therapy. We can monitor the situation with ph strips. Massages, enemas, compresses, injections etc. can complement the internal therapy. Massages and enemas are a must with a fast.
Sorry if my english is a bit raw. It is not my mother tongue.
Even though this is basically a simple therapy for someone healthy who uses it as prevention it is important to be informed before starting the therapy. Knowledge is the key, or someone has to rely on knowledgeable people.
No I don't think it is good drinking urine with ammonia in it, but I have read a testimonial about a man who did not know it had to be fresh and drank a full glass of his old urine. He got really sick for two days, but after it cleared up he said the parasites he was trying to get rid of for many years disappeared and never came back.... I also read other testimonials saying they put it in the refrigerator and take it later in the day... Authors don't recommend this method, but this man says that there is no problem... He feels good about his method. I think I even saw a testimonial in the UT forum... If I find those articles and testimonials, I will come back to post them.
This therapy has made its mark since the beginning of times and it should not be discarded with fear, taboos etc. At least we should let people know about this option, mostly in Curezone forums. Authors say they never encountered problems (except detox reactions) by following this therapy. Nature is a "great genius"! Science has only a few decades for its credibility and still has lots of unanswered questions as we know. I don't see why we should keep people away from this knowledge that has been burried with the event of science and pharmaceutical era. Sure there are things to know. Some will rely on litterature, some will rely on knowledgeable people, and some more adventurous will rely on their own experiences...
Yes I know it does sounds 'naive' and unscientific, but ' seeking truth (read his testimonial ) just gave an example with leukemia. You might want to check with him. I personnally do not know anybody who got cured from metastatic cancer. Just read about it.
On the other hand, I saw from my own eyes some mysterious recoveries with relatives. Not necessarily with cancer, but it confirms to me that there is some truth to what they say about this therapy, One was my husband with a severe case of candida , another one was my sister's grandson who is now healthy or at least got things 'under control' with a severe case of asthma, allergies etc... Her testimony is in french and did not have the time to translate it yet. To make the story short, doctors wanted to hospitalize him. He was spitting blood etc. but he got 'cured' with homeopathic drops made from his own urine. I for myself was suffering from insomnia for 14 years and after a year and a half of therapy, I am sleeping an average of 8 hours a night (sound sleeping). Those are details in comparison to cancer, but what I saw convinced me that there was something serious about this therapy. I could go on with details with my brother , brother in law etc. and it confirms that what is said about the therapy has some truth to it....
Personnaly I think the therapy should be excellent at least for the prevention of cancer. It might not cure everything, but one has reason to hope. Armstrong did use extreme measures for extreme cases . He was taking on hopeless cases rejected by the medical profession. He used urine & water fasting (up to 45 days and more if needed), in conjunction with enemas, massages, diet etc... He died many years ago. I can only rely on his book I have read.
I don't want to convince anyone, just want to give hope... I for myself am still experimenting with the therapy.
People come here to discuss, listen to opinions etc ??? and that is what we are doing. If I came in this forum it is because I lost my mother and some friends to cancer. We discovered this therapy approx. 2 years ago and were shocked that we were never informed before that. We had fantastic results with the therapy. Just wanted to share! It is up to each of us to persue this avenue or not.
'Child's play' was used in an article to get attention. I don't think nobody thinks curing cancer is child's play. After all those years of research, all those funds still collected for that purpose, there is still no cure. This is a terrible 'maladie' and I take it quite seriously. We all do.
What is wonderful about this therapy is that you do not need a diagnostic and it works in conjunction with any natural product that might help in fighting cancer. Yes it is true, testimonials are no proof. I can only attest to the results I saw on myself and my family and friends and it was not cancer. But this is a universal remedy and it works on all kinds of health problems, why would it be different for cancer? It may be more difficult if the 'sickness' is at an advanced stage but the measures taken were drastic in those cases (Armstrong - The Water of Life). He says (author) though, that it was harder to get results if there had already been interventions like radiation, chemio etc.
I imagine that it is confusing for the person who has cancer and it is up to that person to make that decision. The more informed you are, the better your chances to make the right decision with the method of treatment.
Good luck to you