Peanuts are the worst nuts to eat habitually, so it's unfortunate that they've made such inroads into our culture. They're the most acidic nut, and the thin shells on the nuts are highly prone to mold and mildew, and well, you know the weather in Georgia? Lots of humidity to create mold and mildew! So the valiant peanut protects itself with tons of toxins to keep the mold and mildew from rotting it. These phytotoxins are somewhat washed off when shelled, but rarely is that cmplete, and so our peanut butter especially has concentrated values of things we ought not to digest. Over time the body can become quite sensitized to this and the histamine reactions increase. Plus we usually eat them roasted, which denatures the proteins somewhat. Denatured proteins easily become targeted by the immune system bccause viruses are proteins.
Best thing to do when you have severe histamine reactions is to cleanse and hydrate the body. All mucoud membrane tissues, when clogged, freeze and dry up, and so you suffer even more as the usual things you come into contact with start building up - bacteria, dust mites, pollen, you name it. So drink more water, preferably electrolyte-rich, wash out the sinuses with salty water (there are several kinds of tools designed for sinus flushes - the Yoga version uses a small teapot thingie, I just use a plastic syringe but I don't get a good seal), sweat, get a colonic, practice good lymph management, increase healthy fats particularly Coconut, and avoid all known allergans for at least 3 months until the body "resets." Then you can try one type of allergan and see if you still react. If you do, avoid it for another month and retest.
Also, our kids are dealing with a lot more unbalanced diets and anti-nutrient foods than we did. A low-fat but high-sugar diet plus lots of pasteurized milk or soy make it very difficult for them to keep a healthy immune system.