Hi Michelle,
I've heard a lot of good things about mineral
citrates , and as I said awhile back the concentrace did a lot to lift my spirits and I noticed a difference almost right away, within a few hours. But everyone's different.
As for your water problem, I think it is not so much the fact that you need to take minerals that are traditionally more absorbable. Did your dr say glycinate and citrate forms would get through your intestinal wall even in the presence of candida and compromised mucosa? My question would be "Why are these mineral forms more absorbable and will they get picked up in the Villi even in the presence of candida in the gut?"
The concentrace should help you with water balance, because the minerals are small enough to get into the cells, but again, can they get through the gut? I don't know.
It seems like the more you clean out your intestines, the more you will be able to absorb the minerals. It's a tricky balance trying to clean them. A person can stir up a lot of live candida and you can get really sick, like you said. That's why I like to kill off as much as I can before I start to clean intestines.
I think your crying spells, etc. are related to Mg & Ca. Also B-vitamins. Also, vitamins cannot work unless in the presence of minerals, there are many. So you could also be vitamin deficient because you are mineral deficient. Another head spinner. I have learned that what is in my blood, taken for a mineral panel, does not show what is actually in my cells. I am trying to find out about this discrepancy, though it seems logical that this is due to malabsorption and gunked up intestines.
Also on the subject of assimilation there is the point Qwer was trying to make with the stomach acid. If we don't have enough it's going to be mighty hard to assimilate minerals. I don't know if he said it in those words, but that's what I take betaine HCL for, assimilation.
So many years ago I took adrenal glandular and it actually gave me panic/anxiety attacks. I didn't know why at the time. After I stopped taking it an M.D. explained that you cannot get adrenal tissue without getting adrenalin because the adrenals contain a high percentage of adrenalin as they make it it's stored for quick release. All our body's functions depend on adrenalin. It's very complicated. Suffice to say I wouldn't go near ANY form of glandulars because the ones I've seen all contain a base of other glands, one always being adrenal tissue. So you are right to be afraid of that.
One more thing and i gotta go for my walk. Nature's Way makes a high potentcy essential fatty acids. It's called "Efa Gold MEGA" (EFA blend-3,6,9) Fish/Flax/Borage/Olive Oil, Fully balanced. It's very high in all three.
If you can get it, the nystatin should help you clean out a lot of that candida so you can start to do intestinal and bowel cleanses. Then you should be able to assimilate minerals better. Just go slow for the die off. obj