Die-off is actually a sign that you are going so fast that your metabolism cannot cope with the cure. If you do NOT experience die-off, you are doing great. If you DO, slow down on whatever you have just started taking.
To help avoid die-off always start with the minimal dose and slowly add up to the max mentioned on the bottle - over a few days time.
YOu say low-carb, but did you actually eliminate all the gluten and kept eating only the gluten free carb? Very important. a low amount of wheat, wil keep feeding candida and you will head nowhere.
Candida depletes magnesium and vit B , it is VERY important to supplement in these two plus in lecithin, all along the treatment.
Garlic and oil of oregano are both antifungals, you need only one not two (unless you rotate them on a daily basis, taking half the dose of garlic and half the dose of oregano... you are taking too much) Not experiencing die-off while taking that much antifungals is lucky, because this is one way you would overwhelm your metabolism : it is just too much.
You are doing just good, keep at it!