Are both of these tests fairly accurate? When you say that you tested positive for "low level candida", does this mean that you just have the normal amount that everyone has in their bodies to begin with? I've always been told that it's impossible to rid the body completely of yeast, and that it might even be detrimental to do so. I'm totally clueless about testing, but I definitely would like to KNOW SOMETHING. Most of my symptoms are psychological (anxiety, depression, compulsiveness, etc.). The main issues that make me think candida is present are: terrible digestive problems (mainly bloating and foul-smelling gas), SEVERE
Sugar cravings and addiction, lack of sex drive, ringing in my ears, etc. But my naturopath feels that all of my physical symptoms can be directly traced to anxiety and depression. Who knows. I've always been a hypochondriac, but I thought that I might really be onto something in this case. Anyway, maybe I'll get the testing done just in case. How much does it cost, roughly? Thanks for responding, everyone!