Hi I am wondering if any of you good people can help me! I think I may have had candida my whole adult life, although I don’t know for certain. I will explain a little about my symptoms in the hope that someone who really knows what this is can say, although by now I am almost certain that all my illness are just symptoms of the candida.
I suffered for a long time with constipation, bloated stomach; stomach pain, so on I was told by doctor's that this was IBS. About 7 years ago thing took a turn for the worse I started to get bad diarrhoea, really explosive with mucus, undigested food. The noise that would come from my stomach was unreal. Sometimes I would throw up with the pain, the doctors were not bothered, they did some test but told me I had IBS. They did test for
parasites because I had been travelling for an extended time in the Far East, however they said I was ok and still IBS. I couldn’t believe it, I began to try different diet's herbs so on nothing worked.
Then 2 years ago I had my son, emergency c-section and from then on I have been in real bad pain with endometriosis and adhesions. Its like my health was just spiralling down and no matter what I did nothing seemed to work. I realised that if I cut bread and wheat out of my diet there was a little improvement. I then started to use the advice from this site, mostly Shelley's forum, again a little improvement. However I have been trying the candida diet for the last couple of months and this last week I have taken grapefruit caps. The thing is I feel awful, the terrible rumbling noises are back and I haven’t had them for years and I have this new thing that’s really strange. The only way I can describe it is that it is like burning patches deep in the muscles of my back shoulder blades so on. I know that this is probably a healing crisis. Though I have thought this in the past and it wasn't it was just things getting worse.
OK so I have gone on cos I know if anyone is going to understand it is you people and so I guess I have just had a real rant so forgive this please. The thing I wanted to ask is this I do not have much money but I wanted to invest in products that would help me. I have just received a trial size oxy
Bowel Cleanse (60 caps) and some Grapefruit seed caps. The plan was to try to clear some of the candida before I started to use the probiotics. However a friend who has used Threelac sent me some because she has tried it and thinks that it would work for me.
Now I don’t know what to do as I don’t know if you should use stuff to kill the candida at the same time as using probiotics (which is what the Threelac is …right?) She also said not to do the
Bowel Cleanse at the same time as you would be flushing good and bad bacteria away together, is this right? I guess the best plan would be to do the grapefruit and the flush’s first and wait for a while to do the Threelac, but the thing is it is my birth day in a couple of weeks and I have heard that this Threelac can help you really quickly and I want to try it now.
Basically this must be the longest way in the world of saying what do I do and how do I do it? Please any advice would be greatly appreciated. Sorry it was so long …if its any consolation it was a killer to write too…thanks …Moonie