Great site you created. Congrats on your accomplishments. I can relate to a lot of it, even though the only weight problem I've ever had is trying to gain weight. A lot of very useful information there, and a lot of good links too.
You do have a great mate there, and I applaud your sticking to your methods despite what others think. My ex girlfriend couldn't handle me not ordering McDonalds fast food with her. Did I mention she is my ex? Ironically, she needed the natural lifestyle way more than I did!
Cheers :)
Great site you created. Congrats on your accomplishments. I can relate to a lot of it, even though the only weight problem I've ever had is trying to gain weight. A lot of very useful information there, and a lot of good links too.
You do have a great mate there, and I applaud your sticking to your methods despite what others think. My ex girlfriend couldn't handle me not ordering McDonalds fast food with her. Did I mention she is my ex lol? Ironically, she needed the natural lifestyle way more than I did!
Cheers :)