Perfect Paradigm
I've researched this very extensively and I'm convinced 100% that hiv is harmless and not the cause of AIDS. Anything that's the opposite of what you've believed all your life will sound crazy, but this is true.
AIDS is real, it's just not caused by hiv, it's simply a severly suppressed immune system which can be caused by many things. Most commonly caused by certain drugs, recreational and medicinal, including and especially the drugs used to "treat" AIDS, by the stress of thinking your going to die and by you not taking care of yourself since you think your going to die soon anyways. That's in the US, in Africa it's caused mostly by a combo of malnutrition and
parasites and some drugs although they don't take near as much as Americans.
I'm not going to explain everything on here, but I will give you an awesome link so you can read and learn about it yourself. I know if you actually read about it you will believe it 100%. Read it all, if your interested in it and especially if your so-called "hiv positive".
Here is a link to 2 great documentary videos you need to watch, then move on to the websites to learn much more. If the videos don't stream very well then download them and use google video player to play them.
Here are 3 good links to awesome websites.
It's time for people that think they have a deadly contagious disease to realize the truth and not be afraid of dying or spreading it to others and to go on to live a normal healthy and full of love life.