Hi #58095, thanks for your response.
You've got a point, that the "oldtimers" who did not have access to certain medical knowledge like kudzu are true stoics for dealing with the alcholism issue. I can only imagine how I would have fared under those circumstances. Probably very badly at that. I've always wanted to be superman, but I can accept the fact that I'm not. My point (and fanaticism, even) is that kudzu is a tried-and-tested means for controlling alcoholism (in conjunction with liver-support herbs like milk thistle, etc.). Think of kudzu as a godsend, without any spiritual strings attached. It's that lucky coin you find on the street that turns your life around. The Chinese have proven this over the past 2000 years. If the stuff didn't work, then they wouldn't have bothered to revere it the way they do, for those millenia. That's a looonnnnnnnnnng time, even longer than the "oldtimers." As Americans, we are total fools to throw this knowledge away or to ignore it, like our society does today.
So ultimately, until you give the kudzu a try yourself, you won't really be able to say if it works or not. (But I'd encourage you to do some reasearch on it and give it a try, and to tell us all about your experiences -- after all, this is curezone, where we are discussing these important issues). Likewise, I wouldn't know what I know about AA until I'd actually gone to meetings and (unsuccessfully)worked with a sponsor.
As someone who is not an old timer (I'm 34, and have been an alcoholic for more than 15 years), perhaps I have not suffered to the extent that some older people/more advanced alcoholics have. But regardless, I have suffered, been lost for years in despair, lost enough friends, family, esteem, and enough physical/mental health to know that I could not continue on the path that I was travelling, otherwise I would die early and miserably. And yes, I'm familiar with that checklist of alcoholic qualities that you kindly listed. Furthermore, as someone who is a scientist, I believe that
Science and natural medicine can be used to find cures to disease, if we sincerely apply ourselves to that task.
As a 34 year-old, I also perceive a very heavy cynicism within AA circles, with regards to medical approaches to dealing with the problem. The AA system seems to be very complacent with regards to believing what the doctors of the medical establishment tell them. ((Please remember that curezone exists outside of the common american medical establishment. I only speak now because this is a curezone forum. I would never go to an AA site and say what I say.)) While the alcoholic disease could be considered a "labyrinth of misery", I have to state right out that I find the mental labyrinth surrounding the AA culture to be completely unliveable. In fact, I see the AA structure as a kind of labyrinth in itself, and I reached the point of refusing it a few years ago. But that was a personal decision, I admit.
But here is a caveat: I think that it is great if some folks can reach sobriety through the AA process, and I'm certainly aware that many have (but only 25% of you, isn't that the right statistic???), but my angle is that there must be an alternative, and I belive (perhaps foolishly, but nevertheless...) that with more scientific knowledge of the human physiology, it will someday be possible to suppress alcoholism completely, perhaps with the right regimen of herbs, exercise, diet, etc. In fact, this belief I have animates me and gives me resolve, as a scientist/biologist and also as a fellow alcoholic. From everything I've learned at curezone, I think that we're truly on the edge of reaching that level of control. Doesn't that possibility of finding a natural, possibly herbal (safe) method of alcoholism-suppresion EXCITE you at all? Most responses I've heard so far on this forum are the "no, no, no, it won't work" kind. If we could find a way, like through kudzu and body-cleansing technques, to effectively deal with the alcohol-disease that would mean FREEDOM from that inner insanity that we all know so well.
There are many techniques like liver-flushing and kudzu-usage on curezone which are very radical and novel to the american medical "scene" which are only beginning to penetrate into what is considered "common knowledge." So in that sense, Americans should be very EXCITED about this. You are right, #58095, alcoholism as you defined it so clearly in your message is "uncurable", but at least with something like kudzu, you are able to shield yourself from alcohol, quite easily. I tried it out for the past 10 weeks with very satisfying results. I assert that having an actual, physical shield that is proven to work is much more desireable than well-wishes and campfire mumbo-jumbo. But the good part is that we are all free to chose our own defenses.
Analogously, the diabetic shields himself with insulin. At one point, there was no hope for diabetics because there was no concept of injectable insulin. They knew eventually that they'd go blind, lose limbs, and ultimately die at an early age. But now diabetics can take their insulin and lead functional lives. Can you even imagine the joy of the first diabetics who received artificial insulin and watched their own heads become clear as a result of their blood
Sugar stabilizing? They might not be able to eat sweets and swill booze, but at least they get out and do so many, many, many other more important things, so perhaps an insulin shot is better than no shot at all. The insulin changed everything for them, didn't it?
My point is that because you bothered to come to curezone, you should not abandon your tried-and-tested AA approach, but not be afraid of supplementing it with other techniques, like liver cleansing. For example, #58095, have you removed your
liver stones yet? Did it even occur to you that maybe you'd feel better if you bothered to put in the year or so that it takes to purge all of the bilestones? Imagine the improved energy levels, and improved sleep and mental alertness? What about that? What does AA have to say about cleaning up the billiary metabolic waste left behind in your liver by the many years of alcohol consumption? Why is the
Liver Flush not part of the 12 step program? Seems to me there should be at least 13 steps now to work on.
I'm suprised that so many folks on this forum think that such therapeutic agents are not possible for alcoholism, that our ONLY hope is the labyrinthine mumbo-jumbo. If the mumbo-jumbo helps you, then great. But as someone who hasn't become that cynical yet, I intend to take my kudzu to keep my mind away from alcohol cravings/obsessions, get excercise and stabilize my blood sugar, for a start. I promise you that I will get the last of the
liver stones out of me. And believe you me, when I learn of newly discovered relationships between alcholism and adrenal fatigue caused by allergies, for example, I will take that stuff seriously, and spread the word, too. If I can avoid alcoholic relapses just by paying attention to something simple like allergies, then hey, that's easy enough to do. It's time to leave the dark ages behind us, and to use the good knowledge that is coming to light here. We might not be able to get it from our doctors, but it seems to me there's just an amazing WEALTH of information lurking on these
CureZone Forums , that could do some amazing, unforseeable things for alcoholics like us.
"Ohhhhh, but it just wouldn't work."
Ok, I'll shut up now. Thanks for listening.