>> So, is
Acne a result of your body's low tolerance level of alot of food?
>> The
parasite and liver cleanse will strengthen my tolerance level for food, right?
Yes! (tolerance level to natural, unprocessed (or low-processed)foods like: meat, eggs, fish, nuts, cheese, milk, )
>> Does this mean that i'll be a little bit immuned to the usual american diet (hamburgers, fries, etc.)
Yes, that is possible, as long as it is free from MSG, ASPARTAME,
preservatives and other artificial ingrediants ...
> without those nasty breakouts?
>I'd like to stay on fruits, oils, veggies, and all...but we all need a break and pig out once in awhile, right? ;)
> Anyways, I have a question about vitamin supplements. Do you personally take any?
No! , or, extremely occasionly I take A+D capsules (small red pearls) , but not more then once in 2 weeks ...
I do take more often probiotics!
> Have you heard the debate between natural and synthetic vitamins?
Yes ...
> What do you think of supplementing with such vitamins as Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)?
Het a juicer, and start
juicing ... you will get enough of V. C ...
> Because people argue that since Ascorbic Acid is not vitamin C but simply a result from some laboratory produced product by pouring hydrochloric acid on corn syrup....Well, ascorbic acid is only a small part of the whole we call Vitamin C, and thus supplementation is useless and may even cause unwanted future results. Anyways, what's your oppinion on the natural vs. synthetic vitamins?
As I said ... get it from the food ... veggies and fruits ....
> Do you think synthetic vitamins like that of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) or Mineral supplements (in chelated form) will be beneficial?
or will it be of no use or even harmful?
I don't know ... it is possible ... but I do know that people who do
juicing ... (especially wheat grass ) are happy with results ...