i'm 22 years old, and i've been suffering from chronic
Acne for almost 7 years. I've tried many ways to cure it, but nothing seems to work. Recently, i underwent an
Antibiotic treatment for almost two years. Although it did clear up, the
Acne returned once the
Antibiotic course was stopped. i was in total state of despair.
By chance, i came across this webpage, and after reading, i like the idea and would like to start my own program to cure
Acne through natural means.
I've read through the water treatment and proper diet part and have started practising it.
I'd like to move on to the cleanses. However, there seems to be many ways in doing the cleanses. as my english is not that great, i'd like to ask for advice for the most practical procedure that a newbie like me can undertake in doing the cleanses.
If you're interested to help me, please reply here, or email me at rayleexw@yahoo.com
your help would be greatly appreciated.