> here is a letter i have mailed to some doctors. i am reprinting it here incase others find the matter useful
> Dear Sir
> I am a professor of Engineering (with a doctorate from the University of British Columbia, Canada)
> Early last year I developed Angina Pectoris. For over thirty years I have believed in natural methods of cure and therefore attempted the same for this condition as well.
> The condition has now considerably improved. From over multiple attacks a day it has now come down to less than an attack in two weeks
> I believe after deliberation that one of the contributing factors for the cure has been consumption of drinking water from a deep underground source located on my property in Jaipur India. I am communicating this information incase it can benefit others as well (after a thorough examination to confirm the possibility) I will gladly supply samples of this water to any interested qualified practitioner or Institution
> With regards
> Yours sincerely
> Dr. Ashok Malhotra
> 82, Third Avenue.
> Goms defence colony
> Jaipur 302 021 Tel: 0141- 409545
Dear Dr. Ashok Malhotra,
if you do
parasites cleanse and liver cleanse (10 times),
you can be even healthier.
You can say good buy to your angina!