Hi Pam,
Thankyou for your supportive words & I'd have to agree wholeheartedly with what you said about emotional & behavioural problems. What a shame that there aren't more people like you with such interesting backgrounds & so much insight. The medical profression here in Australia leaves a lot to be desired.
I personally feel that there is so much more behind anxiety/
Depression & behaioural/learning problems but have never found anyone who thinks the way I do. My youngest son was diagnosed with ADHD/ODD at the age of four & my two eldest have been diagnosed in the past with Dyslexia/passive ADD. I am very protective of my children & we have made wonderful progress with them. And I have also followed my own path with them. They basically suffer with a lot of anxiety, low tolerance to stress, low frustration levels & react badly to many colours /
preservatives etc etc. I really wonder if they all just have lots of liver/bowel problems which have manifested into other things too (nutritional deficiencies, mood swings, lack of attention in amongst lots of other things).
My quest this coming year is to work closely with the Naturopath to see what that brings (my hands have been tied due to the costs involved - & my husband really resents me spending any money with the naturopath). But hey, I am going to follow my instincts this time (should have a long,long time ago). I have dabbled here at home for years (and with various naturopaths-who have helped at the time but it didn't last) but I honestly believe that with this fellow we can make a big difference.
Curezone is wonderful & so are all the people involved here & yes I am so grateful to have found such a knowing, caring Naturopath.(I just need to learn to avoid all the skepticism!!)
Take care