You are very welcome.
I have a suggestion.
Since there is some anecdotal evidence that castor oil can
improve cataract, since there is a plausible mechanism of action,
and since we need to ensure that all eyedrops
are sterile, I propose that ophthalmologists and accredited
pharmacies provide cataract patients worldwide with sterile
castor oil eyedrops. Let's ask them to help us avoid the
risks of cataract surgery. Surely, they would be interested
to explore any and every possibility that we could restore
some degree of optical clarity without exposing us to the risks,
loss of natural accommodation, chance of a poor visual outcome and
possibly eventual need of further surgery.
But if they do not provide us with eyedrops guaranteed to be sterile and safe to use, we should not try this out on our own, e.g., with eyedrops purchased over the Internet, as it could lead to complete loss of vision. Therefore, we need the help of ophthalmologists and accredited pharmacies, and we need it urgently.
The problem is that so far, they have not shown any interest in exploring nonsurgical options, and that exposes patients desperate to avoid surgery to risks such as these.