Yep, sounds like you are definitely plugged.
Now, don't tell me you know NO ONE who goes occasionally to the Big City!? Someone you know and trust has to have occasional access to a DRUG STORE (that's pretty basic)... what if you needed DRUGS!? lol I live in Mexico and managed to get what I needed. You can always go online and order off the internet!
You are definitely in need of a good flush! Furthermore, I would highly recommend you consider looking into professional
colonics (a very high tech flush of your entire colon with ultra purified water by a licensed technician). It could definitely change your health for the better, as it certainly has mine! Again, you would have to go to the Big City! It could be... an adventure! (See, now doesn't just getting hold of an enema bag sound easy?) :)
Yes, I would consider doubling up on the swf. You need to get that colon clean! Are you drinking an herbal lax tea? Keep drinking it! A VERY strong cup at night, and one in the morning. You cannot believe how much better you will feel when you get all that poison out of your colon!!!!!! That's good news, the swf finally came through.
You will NOT be having acid reactions for crazy reasons anymore, once you are clean. I couldn't drink a glass of orange juice, before I cleaned up my act! Unbelievable! I thought, like you, that it was just my body telling me the juice was too acid for me... the reality was that I was too acid for it!
Google search acidosis on the net, and read up on what happens when your system is too acid. This is a bad condition, leaving you open to lots of problems and diseases, including cancer! Cancer cannot grow if your body pH is balanced! You need to get that acid system under control. You can do this through cleansing and proper diet!
Bless you, mom, I know you are going through a struggle. Just please know you are on the right path, which will lead you to wonderful good health! It has taken me almost four years to get my colon clear of all the garbage I was packing around (I just thought I was fat!!), and has been worth every minute!
Bless you,