Not sure if the Tippens Protocol could help? He used fenbendezole to destroy his worms and eliminate his cancer. fendbendezole is a dog or horse dewormer.
A safer alternative could be the
Celery juicing protocol by MedicalMedium Anthony William : He has best seller books and he is all over youtube, instagram, tiktok, and other platforms, doing live-blogs and explaining his healing protocols that have helped millions.
Celery Juice Protocol:
In the morning, on an empty stomach, 1/2 a lemon(I use the whole lemmon) or a lime freshly squeezed into a glass of water 10-16oz of water.
Wait 20-30 minutes, then freshly juice a bunch of
Celery or 2, you can do 16-60
oz of pure celery juice, no added water, no other ingredients, must be pure freshly juiced celery. I tried a few juicers and found an Omega Juicer works best for me.
Wait at least 30 minutes after consuming.
Also, AW is a big fan of wild blueberries claiming they help repair brain cells, he has a heavy metal detox smoothie recipe. - read the section on wild blueberries and what they do for the brain.
Another thing he recommends for faster healing, is no fatty foods or oils, no grains, no eggs or dairy, no caffeine or chocolate, no vinegar. This is a partial list, but if you really want to heal you need to cut all the bad stuff out. Check out his books (amazon or library?) and website and you might find something more particular to your condition.