I am on day 16 of my second 40 day water fast. I didn't have any of the problems you had the first time and I'm not having them this time, either. The biggest things I've noticed so far this time are 1) I have a really dry mouth which I don't remember having last time, and 2) I've noticed that my heart rate and blood pressure are elevated, but I didn't take my heart rate and blood pressure last time. I don't feel especially lethargic. I have had no headaches. No vomiting or stomach upset. No trouble sleeping. When I first get up out of bed I have to move a little more slowly because I tend to get dizzy, but that quickly goes away. I would say, "Be happy that you're not having symptoms!"
I think it is possible that your body has learned how to adjust to a fast. I have water fasted hundreds of times from 1 day to 10 days. Maybe my lack of symptoms (and yours) is that my body knows what to expect.