Moxi works on red worms, not flat worms. Moxi is seldom used for filarial worms, but several species lay eggs in a cellulose plastic, and it helps prevent the next generation. Large worms get no effect from Moxi in my view.
Segmented worms are mostly flat, but a few other nematodes appear segmented, they are round though.
Tapeworms are flat worms. Prazi gets most flatworm species.
Moxi works on tiny eggs, plastic egg ova stuff, and a few small strongyloidea. It helps melt cellulose plastic, that some
parasites have a chemistry for. L1 stages, even L2 are often the most powerful targets of Moxi/Invermectin.
Invermectin can work on L3 stages of filarials, but it normally takes a prolonged higher dose. Not sure where Moxy plays, many report clearing of thread like L3 worms, not usually associated with filarials.
Green, Grey, Black, can be bacteria biofilms, or a nest that is bacteria laden.
Upon internal oregano oil caps, application of external oregano EO to Face, huge orange, Grey, Black flows,
ounces of loose fungal like mushroom stuff can leave the body.
Different microbes can exhibit different colors, green is a frequent color reported.
Many report Castor oil caps, vitamin D3 helps a lot in removing GI parasitic flat worms.
parasites like to hide, and can cause a background infection to become cystic, or entrenched.
To evade the human body defenses,
parasites often make a nest to occupy. Adults frequent the nest, or live inside.
If pushed outside a nest, the adult will absorb much more medication. If the correct medications are being used, this "travel" can cause an ingestion of toxic levels, and lead to a quick removal of GI pests. Magnesium Citrate can help flush them out.
Systemic (internal tissue) infections still adhere to this outside the nest principal, but they do not die as fast. Once outside the nest, there are few places to hide from the meds.
Mansonella Ozzardi is a filarial, sensitive to invermectin, maybe Moxi?
DEC is the most common drug used to treat filarial infections. DEC = Dimmitrol.
Low dose Albendazole may also help clear Ozzardi.
Bacterial infections are common with this filarial species, they talk of diarrhea under treatment searches.
Many filarial species are sensitive to Doxy.
Many parasites are hard to identify, if you have Ozzardi, It should not react to DEC.
If you react to DEC, think of its cousin.