K2 has been good to me. I didn't start it until early 2015.
Since then, I have not yet a single morning ever awoken with a bad taste in my mouth ! Seriously. Like, all my life of 58 yrs, every morning it was time to brush the teeth....
I used to marvel at how animals never brushed their teeth, yet, didn't have tooth decay, like my dogs, that basically ate shit for breakfast lunch and dinner, licked the toilet bowl and other inhumane things people non-chalantly force or permit them to do.
My theory was, there is something wrong with our mouth chemistry, and, unlike our King of the Troll #1 trapper/kcmo, I had no clue.
The right mix of K1, K2, MK4, MK7, and the answer is revealed !!!!
I actually went 6 months without brushing, then went to a dentist for a cleaning. I was clean !! Typical favorable comments, no big deal, they're only trained to do as they're told, if you tell them how you achieved it, it goes in one ear, out the other, and the smiling Boss DDS finds some reason to recommmend to sell you a crown. I am soooo proud (which I usually refrain from pride) have finally achieved animal status, which I believe these days is an honour. Rrrrrghgghh !!!!
And you know what else, I think the animals know it. I hope I'm not sounding too weird but, they all seem to get a little closer than they used to. Like the bucks in the backyard locking horns in their games with each other, 50 feet from me. Or, maybe I'm just an old fart they recognize as non-threating, lol.
Regardless, the bad mouth morning taste is totally licked. Get it ? Licked ? Dn't forget to read every word Weston Price wrote.