7 y
Re: Leviticus dietary
It does have a surprisingly high amount of Cu.
Everybody gets to make their own diet choices, for now at least.
After I read Bill Sardi's "The Iron Time Bomb" circa 2004, I decided to never try to supplement with iron or seek to get more iron. Its a well-referenced book, and the gist of it is that we accumulate iron, too much, and that it is associated with tumor-genesis. A friend of mine does autopsies and reports the vast majority of liver in ppl over 45 have deposits of rusty-looking iron. Sardi's book tells how to clear it, basically using IP6, which is a nutrient that is stripped from commercial grain products so we're not getting enough, it normally removes excess iron, but also other metals.
I know soooo many people who are diagnosed anemic and they are told to take iron. But, it never works ! You can take all the iron you want and it will never cure anemia.
I could be right, or I could be wrong. Its a gamble !! Its a good book, he details how IP6 is documented to shrink tumors and we know that its action is to remove excess iron from the body, whatever that's worth. I don't recommend many books, but this is one that I do recommend.
OMG, copper is like, sooooooo important. Like, the elastin in the endothelial system, arterial walls need it ! Documented fact, over half the corpses have aneurisms waiting to burst, well known to be associated with copper deficiency. Same with gray hair, which may be why I don't have any gray hair !! Or I am lucky. But the more I read and apply this learned knowledge, the luckier I get !