I had some testing done and found that I have an
Iodine and selenium deficiency, so I started taking supplements of each. I always start out with small amounts to make sure I have no bad reactions, and I started with selenium before
Iodine just to be extra safe.
Anyway, after working up to about 100 mcg a day of selenium, and maybe 33 mcg of iodine, I felt amazing. All of my symptoms were gone! No more fatigue, irritability, moodiness, brain fog, inability to focus,
Depression etc. But then I woke up one day and thought I felt anxious. It was really nothing, but one of things I have worried about with taking
Iodine is becoming hyperthyroid where I feel anxious.
Anyway, because of this experience, I decided to stick with the RDA amounts for each supplement. Since I was taking more than the RDA of selenium, I decided to not take any the first day I was going to switch over to RDA amounts, but I did take about 60 mcg of iodine.
Well, I had pain in my throat and then my throat started itching. It wasn't anything unbearable, but definitely a negative reaction.
So, I went back to adding selenium the next day and everything was fine, except for the fact that I started getting bad headaches, and then diarrhea. Diarrhea is apparently the #1 symptom of selenium toxicity.
So, I cut back on the selenium to only 50 mcg a day, but I still get headaches and I have this lump / pressure feeling in my throat. It's nothing I can't deal with, but I want to know if I should be worried about it.
Does anyone know if it's possible to go hyperthyroid or cause any other issues if you're taking the RDA of nutrients like selenium and iodine? I have never even worked up to 150 mcg of iodine. The most I have taken is 100 mcg in a day.
It just seems to have such a significant impact on my body. It makes me feel warm and I get that pressure feeling in my throat and upper chest. I really just want to be able to take 50 mcg of selenium and 150 mcg of iodine a day, and feel comfortable doing it, meaning, not worry that it's going to cause me problems down the road.