You'll find out the truth of it on judgment day, won't you tomi? The same word that you reject now as God's message to us will stand as your judge on that day.
Meantime, you can avoid finding yourself on the wrong side of that judgment by reading such books as F F Bruce's 'The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable?', J B Phillips' 'Ring of Truth', or even B M Metzger's 'The Text of the New Testament - Its Transmission, Corruption and Restoration'. All three are top drawer scholars who will show all your skeptics a clean pair of heels where this subject is concerned. And there are many others I could cite, but I hafta draw the line somewhere.
So, either consider the evidence on the other side of that coin, or simply continue to spout your litany of half truths, gross misrepresentations of the facts, and even outright lies. While some readers might be fooled by your agnostic rationalism, hopefully the majority will see straight thru your unashamed appeal to and use of straw men.
Or were you perhaps just being deliberately provocative to draw a counterblast from me? Coz if so, then you know me far too well than is good for your own health.
"Then tell me Loquat what's your assertion ?"
Seriously? You can't work that out for yourself from the earlier exchange? All that vexatious drivel rotted your brain has it?
"Don't call me an agnostic"
"...mixed up like a packet of liquorish allsorts..."
"You have the gall to call it gods word."
"While your at it mate show me where I have lied."