Well i posted on here before that i thought pottasium /mag supplement was the bullet that lifted my fatigue but it was clove that did it i have dealt with fatigue digestive problem for 3 yrs slowly better but no cure i also had dental cavitation surgery i have white tounge one filling history of bad dental health before i got sick few years ago it was strep throat infection that led to me getting never better 6 months later i got swab from mouth doc said i still had strep is this a strep overgrowth in the mouth and intestines maybe that why clove works so well im gonna keep takin clove daily now and look up other herbs and ideas to what to do to beat this bacteria n why its here
i love my ozone machine. i set it up and stick the hose up my ass for a short period of time and thats it. my guts work great.
i dont learn minutia. i dont go by what other people say. i try stuff and know if works or not. and as far as impressing anyone? i could not care any less. thats other peoples problem.
ozone is king. it has cured me and my family of life threatening infections and cancer. if i were forced to do without my Iodine or my ozone machine, the ozone wins hands down.
this man knows what he is talking about.
Published on Dec 23, 2016
Ozone Therapy for Leaky Gut | How To Heal Leaky Gut With Ozone. Ozone therapy for leaky gut. In this video, Marcus Fruedenmenn explains how to heal leaky gut with ozone. Learn more at http://trulyheal.iljmp.com/1/yolg
People are looking how to heal leaky gut naturally and fast. There are different leaky gut treatment method available but ozone therapy is another way to heal leaky gut naturally.
If you looking for healing leaky gut syndrome naturally and fast way so that we recommend ozone therapy is another way to cure leaky gut.
0:37 When you start dealing with your leaky gut and repair that. You will find that all of those problems vanish in a very short time.
0:46 But the problem is how to treat leaky gut. You know there is a tube that starts at your mouth and ends at your butt. This long tube has a lot of areas that can break down that can close up.
2:14 Many people know as a remedy but you know it drinking bone broth for six months is pretty tough and as soon as you cheat.
2:23 So, all the other treatments that are offered all cures and all the remedies that are proclaimed are really not as effective as ozone therapy.
2:45 The most powerful treatment for all is ozone and we use it since many many years and there are 40 research studies from Russia alone that showcase how to repairs tight junctions, how to repairs leaky gut, how to reduces inflammation in your gut, how to restores your immune system, how to repairs that mucous membrane that lymphatic tissue.
3:15 So ozone therapy phenomenal to use and it gives me the protocol and led me through the whole process.
3:32 Actually the research that is indicated with 82% success rate. Over a broad range of different diseases whether that's irritable bowel or whether that's Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis.
3:44 All patients had between 78% and 82% success and the overall healing and well-being was increased dramatically. So, you can really guarantee it works and it's simple to do as well and if you would like to learn how to do this treatment like me at home without going to doctor so click the link below and get how to truly heal leaky gut with ozone. http://trulyheal.com/ozone/ozone-ther...
Do you know what causes of leaky gut? what is the leaky gut syndrome?
It's very important for all to know the cause of leaky gut to understand it.
As the damage progresses to the tight junctions, the gaps become wider and wider allowing unwanted particles into the bloodstream.
The damage of the intestinal wall (epithelial barrier) and later the dysfunction and inflammation are major factors leading to severe intestinal diseases commonly known as:
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS),
Ulcerative colitis,
Inflammatory bowel disease etc.
So what do all of these conditions and diseases have in common? They all indicate a leaky gut and lead to systemic inflammation which links them directly to cancer, osteoarthritis, food sensitivities , Depression and many other chronic degenerative diseases.
If you watch this video carefully so that you will learn how to cure leaky gut naturally at home. Even if you need more help to heal leaky gut so go to http://trulyheal.com/ozone/ozone-ther...
Lower right molar was the worst...it was where infected root canal was..3 other cavitations other side of molar and 2 wisdoms i cant say if the surgery helped i think so i dont get sick anymore but could b vitamin d lol well i am sick but its weird lol i don't get colds no more
Clove bud is the only thing that has made an effect on me supplement wise the only thing
Today i ate all day no fatigue after eating i get fatigue after eating and right before i do a number 2
Thank you very much for the reply. Glad to hear that went reasonably well for you.
Did the oral surgeon do a 3D cone beam dental scan or similar before the wisdom tooth cavatation surgery? Do you recall any discussion of dark spots or low density areas? I could provide links to more information on that subject if requested.
If not, did the dentist just do the surgery based on symptoms or at your request?
they seen some areas where dark spots as u mentioned....that looked like cavitiation of jaw....they went in the sites cleaned it out and used something where they spin my blood and inject it in the sites or something.....plasma enrich growth factor i cant remember.....they scaped the bone until it bleed i think that what he was saying....till no dead bone....they knew what they were doing that for sure....i never had a check up tho to see the growth progress of new bone which i probably should have done and still need to do i just havent been to mexico in a while that the problem where it was affordable lol
i just picked up a tea blend that has most of the herbs for strep it has [licorice root,green tea,oregano leaf,ginger root,rosemary,thyme,sage,and eucalyptus, and cinnamon bark] and i have my clove liquid seperate.....i noticed all herbs that kill strep are usually the same herbs in natural sinus comfort teas n liquid blends...i have always had horrible sinus problems as well....is this all connected.....sinus mouth now digestive....sounds suspicious.....this strain of bacteria has been in me for along time and took a long time to get this bad.....i mean like 10 yrs since early teen i have always had white tounge bad breath have to brush alot bad sinuses horrible.....armpit odor i have to wash up if i even sweat a little
there is a imbalance for sure.....now for candida h plyori i could have those but i wouldnt know until a test.....but i bet its something along those lines.....strep candida for sure.....i have one silver filling....i often wonder if mercury is a issue....dont know....
i also put a pause on all my adrenal vitamins right now i think its too much for the system i need to focus on clearing the infection...
im sticking with the anti strep herbs, and eating lots of pineapple for the bromelain ...and eating lots of fats n proteins coconut oil i need to do sumthing my adrenals have gotten alot better my joints arent so weak yesterday i felt no fatigue the whole day even after eating it felt good to feel damn near 100 percent.....and it was a beautiful day outside i just had a flashback of when i was normal
The flash presentation explains the use of the cone beam CAT scan for finding the sites with low density.
This is Dr J Tennant on the cavatation proceedure his dentist uses. This procedure does not include the common scraping of the dead bone that is more commonly recommended.
"To fix it, they make a tiny slit on the side of the gum. They pop down into that area, clean out the muck [containing bacteria, etc] and inject that with ozone. The bone is like a sponge, and there are a lot of places for bugs [bacteria] to hide. The ozone, because it’s a gas, will kill any bug and sterilize it. Then they draw some blood out of the arm, spin it down, and pull out the fibrin that contains all the chemicals hat tell bone to heal, stuff it down into that hole and it heals like magic."
p.11 of this transcript http://www.senergy.us/Assets/PDFs/Micorcurrent%20Speech%202105.pdf
How uncomfortable was the procedure and how long did the discomfort and swelling last?
I'd love for my close friend to have it done. She has poor prognosis brain cancer and we are looking for some experimental interventions to try. Dr Tennant in his book on cancer associates low voltage on the acupuncture meridians with a biochemical environment that favors cancer development.
Sadly it seems that her decision makers are content to let her die rather than try some things. For her I'd like the less invasive version of the surgery that Dr T describes above.