I read all of the advice and it's great.
Having been where you are right now, you are in a better place than many of us
Invest in a microscope, digital or second hand high school. Loose the victim/patient attitude while waiting for help. It doesn't help you to focus.
You are going to heal yourself.
Know your enemy/enemies.
By the time people are sick you are dealing with a zoo in your eco system. Fungus, yeast, amaebas, protozoa, round worm and flatworm. Things are living on the skin, scalp and inside.
Trying to kill the enemy before tackling your diet and habits will make you sick and can kill you.
Change of life style. Restricting all processed foods, alcohol, cigarettes and steroids. Clean your home.
The psychology of physically cleaning externally helps with the change of attitude you will need to change your life.
Worm eggs, fungus, mold and such can exist in your dust.
Steamer -dupray (secondhand $400)
Vacuum cleaner-heppa filters 3-5 ($400-800)
Klean green - enzymes 16ounces concentrated ($19)-I mix with pinesol for wood, tile and all dusting.
Martins 10% permethrin (20-40)
I used my steamer daily for anywhere I sat or slept.
Morgellons, a fungus or living mold? Don't care, dies with enzymes and permethrin. I think it is a manmade monster that feeds on blood and mimics
parasites externally and internally.
Flukes have thorns there are many sizes and shapes to these monsters from very small between your gums and nesting in your lungs to beasts that roam to your liver and uterus and feel like knives in your belly.
Do not be fooled by the answer someone else gives you.
Naturals are the first step of treatment. Taking the naturals in proper amounts at specific times for their benefits is important.
Example. Pumpkin seeds need to be stored in freezer. They must be olive green, plump with natural oils and air dried. No fried or sun dried. Dose is 1/4-1/3 cup, grounded and taken in shake or consumed in one dose every 12 hours. 1/2 cup max pineapple, twice daily. Preferably in shake with papaya fruit and skin leave the seeds on it. Dose is usually 1/2-1 cup of fresh fruit with skin and 1 teaspoon of seeds. Dried can be purchased. Papaya Essential oil can be purchased. Color of oil is extra virgin and a deep amber color, not pale yellow. Seeds can be purchased dried 1-1/2 teaspoon. Start 1/2 teaspoon.
Pumpkin kills
Tapeworm by paralyzing it so it can not hold on to feed, breed and it works the same for anything in your intestines.
Pineapple dissolves thorns and teeth, natural enzyme will also cause hair loss if eaten continuously.
Papaya is an enzyme. The juice from a green fruit will melt hand skin. I have pics. The seed supports the kidneys and liver to expel toxins and dissolves food and
parasites in GI.
Castor oil packs 3-7 days in a row, break 1 week and repeat. Continue until the bloating goes away and your pain stops. This will be very painful as the worms let go of the GI and try to go elsewhere.
Do not freak out when this happens. They come back to breed. Eggs are kept in gelatin and hatch every 28 days.
Worms breed full moon and new moon schedules. Get your life focused on a regimen for these time periods.
Wormwood crosses blood and brain barrier. Buy the herb and make your own tincture with everclear/moonshine or the highest grade of vodka will work.
Do not take
Wormwood until your pH is 7-71/2. Anything below a 6 is too dangerous.
Worms do not like veggies. Especially organic. Stop making monster
parasites by feeding yourself
Genetically-Modified-Organisms food.
Strongyloids and their variety encyst upon crowding (everywhere fat,
Skin layers, GI lining) they survive 3-5 years and only come out when others have lived their life span of 3 years.
This is a lifestyle change.
Morgellons can live in the pores and inside the body.
Get your pictures, slides and samples. 50/50 mix of distilled water and rubbing alcohol for preserving. Invest in plastic containers with screw lid for easy transport.
Understanding your body and finding your samples will happen when you paralyze and melt their teeth. Gelatinous goo protects in different colors throughout the GI.
Enemas with distilled water only. No sink water.
Copper vitamins will strengthen your intestines 2-6mg daily, higher in the first week until bowel movements are normal. Then lower them to 2-4mg.
Dosing is very important when using herbs and food to aide. Timing is the second most important thing. The strengths of their uses need to be regulated.
Also worm die off in brain causes severe depression, headaches. ..and mental changes like loss of temper and bowel control. Living worms cause Psychosis and mental illness, loss of short term memory, stuttering and shaking like Parkinson disease. The could go on.
Think about it this way. Worms have survived on this planet for much longer than man. Some co-exist and some don't.
Find out what you have and then you can discuss what you need next.
Many different protocols that work. Everyone is not the same. Baby steps and this is a long term commitment of 3-5 years. Lifetime.