You are not going to die, the liver has an incredible ability to rebuild itself when you give it what it needs but you need to take action now, DO NOT WAIT. Yellow stool is a sign that your bile is not flowing properly. I suggest you look into Clark
Liver Flushes and
coffee enemas asap. Psyllium and
Bentonite shakes can help grab toxins after doing either. Milk thistle is great but it detoxifies your liver cells and if your bile is not flowing it can make you feel worse because the toxins cannot be flushed out. I suggest you supplement with taurine, choline/lecithin, and ox bile/bile salts to build up bile. Get a few
Liver Flushes under your belt then add in milk thistle. Yes lemons are good, do you have a juicer? Make a daily juice mix of red beet root(great for bile), carrots, celery, cucumber, ginger, watermelon, and lemon. This juice mix will support both your liver and kidneys. When the liver is overburdened and under functioning the kidneys must step up and take up the slack so this is most likely why your urine is dark. Clean up your diet as much as you can, no big greasy meals. Keep the meals light with mostly veggies and fruit, organic if you can afford it. Drink plenty of water(ideally not tap water) and fresh made juice. Do not drink alcohol or smoke, only take any prescription drugs that are absolutly necessary. There are plenty of things to try for parasites, but not while your liver is in this bad state, it's better to focus on your liver health for right now. If you make progress over the next few weeks then re-evaluate at that point. Stay focused and stay positive.