Sweet, sweet, thank your for those replies. I have been following raw vegan diet for over a week now and will stick to it till I reach a full month. Post fast it is ideal to continue eating raw vegan diet, right? No meat, eggs.
I had done 18 day
Water Fast 2 years ago without any particular preparations and it worked great. My skin was glowing,
Acne cleared up. I have never felt better emotionally and physically after that fast. I felt like I was cured and free of any diseases. Unfortunately my problems came back after about a month as I started to reintroduce foods to my diet. I didn't eat crap food, but what I did wrong is in my opinion eating meat and too much fats. I will probably now stick to HCLF plant based diet. What are your thoughts on grains? Also I had done another few shorter fasts throughout latest 2 years but to no avail. Not once I even came close to the results I had during the first and the longest one I had done. Why do you think is that? I doubt its a duration thing, because during the first fast I had started to see benefits very soon.