PineappleHead, I strongly encourage you, and every other human being who can communicate, to learn how to disregard what is now termed as "...vile racist hateful speech..." and go about living Life in the best way that we can.
What has happened in the last 5 years (or, so) is that everyone has latched onto this absurd notion that the World can be forced into a Utopian society, and it just has not, cannot, and will never, ever happen. Everyone is going to have their feelings (or, beliefs) hurt, at some point in Life. And, this is the way of it. We either rise above it and move on, or we focus on it, slap it onto a t-shirt, organize protests, and begin demanding that the human condition conform to our needs, desires, and demands. And, this is just never going to happen.
So...........having typed all of that, my encouragement to you is to ignore things that you find offensive. I may find it offensive, too, but I'm not going to give anyone else the power (or, control) to cause me to slip a cog over what they feel and believe, even if it's unkind or untrue.
Brightest blessings to you......find peace, balance, and calm within your own Self.