I've decided to make a thread where I post daily pictures of my lips showing everyone how I'm healing my lips with aquaphor. I'm gonna try to keep it simple so that most people can understand. If you got ec from biting your lips, then this may apply to you.
I've had ec since 2011 from biting my lips and applied many different products to my lips that only suppressed the symptoms but never aided in the healing process. Tried applying aquaphor a lot over the years but never helped much. It only stopped the skin from building up and kept the lips raw but once i stopped applying aquaphor, the lips went back to the peeling cycle.
Well, a few months ago, I saw a user (Longterm) posting about a product called "Gloves in a Bottle", another user tried it & it seemed to give him positive results, so I decided to give it a try. To my surprise, I saw my lips healing in just a week. I never experienced so much progress in 6 years. Unfortunately, I took off the product from my lips (you're supposed to keep it on as long as possible) and the new skin started to die and left my lips looking raw again. What I didn't know was, is that they weren't actually "raw" but had a very thin new layer of skin. My peeling cycle also stopped. I tried to apply Gloves in a bottle again but it didn't seem to work the same magic as last time. Strange. Then I decided to leave my lips alone and while they weren't building up dead skin, they didn't seem to fully heal either. Maybe I should moisturize my lips with aquaphor? I got my lips "raw" again and applied aquaphor this time.
For most people with full blown exfoliative cheilitis, this probably won't work. This is just my theory but the reason for my lips healing with aquaphor now and not previously is due to Gloves in a bottle. GIAB probably healed the dermis layer of my lips that was severely damaged & can now allow for new skin to grow without dying but it needs to be kept moist to avoid crusting.
If your dermis layer is not that badly damaged, then applying aquaphor might heal you. Otherwise you can give Gloves in a bottle a try.
This is a picture of my "raw" lips. They have a very thin skin layer if you look closely, so they're not completely raw.
Let's call this Day 1:
Day 2: With aquaphor on
Day 3: No much difference yet
Day 4: Here is where you see an improvement. You'll notice the skin is much pinker than the previous days. It's the epidermis, the second skin layer that's growing back. Hopefully the inflammation will go down within the next few days.
If you don't fully understand what the hell I just said (I apologize, English is not my first language), just ask me. I will try to answer you as best I can.