A lot of ppl have cured TMAU through chelation. U should spend $100 bucks on a hair test to see if u have high heavy metals. I'm currently chelating and its not easy I'm having some issues right now myself.
What gives me the idea that u have a heavy metal problem is that u get worse after eating proteins... Protein has "sulfur" amino acids such as cysteine and also choline in it and if u have heavy metals interfering with the metabolism of sulfur proteins the sulfur proteins will be excreted through your urine, skin, saliva and stools. So just check it out and make sure before u spend too much money on other things. Matter of fact in any illness Ppl should always check heavy metals first since they interrupt any of the 12 body functions including minerals. If u have
Amalgams or any other metal exposures u should get that taken care of.
One more thing green stools means your bile system is having issues because bile starts off as green in the digestive process. Yellow means your stool has changed from green but your still
Not excreting enough bile. Stools become brown through sufficient bile flow and healthy gut flora. Heavy metals and
parasites are famous for clogging the gallbladder. But anyway check the metals first. Taking taurine supplements will increase bile flow tremendously.