A good quality multi vitamin to start. I use Kal VM-75 because it does not have iron in it. According to Dr. Clark
parasites love iron.
In addition to once daily multi vitamin you should supplement vitamin D3 with K2 at no more than an additional 10,000IU a day. The K2 helps the D3 latch on to the calcium and keep it out of the blood.
Get some retinyl Vitamin A, 25,000IU, one a day. Do not use beta Caratene. It is known to cause lung cancer.
Then you can try to find a calcium, magnesium, potassium supplement that is 500/500/99. Start with 4-6 of these a day.
I take these all separately but the cheapest route is to buy them together.
I take twice the amount of magnesium because it helps with all the muscle spasms. I also drink coconut water instead of taking potassium because the body likes it much better. But you must take calcium because the
parasites are slowed down by it. I take 1000MG or more of calcium a day. I take 2000 to 5000 MG of Magnesium a day and I try to drink enough coconut water to get 4700MG a day. Whatever you do write it down and check it off because the brain fog will cause you to screw it up.
This is just to start. Once you start killing the flukes and finally feel in control you will want to adjust your cal/mag/potassium intake based on how you feel. Remember this. If you feel "tight" you probably have consumed too much calcium. Take magnesium. It is the antidote for too much calcium. If your ankles swell and your muscles are too relaxed take calcium. Don't confuse the sings with the heart failure caused by Valbazen.
Valbazen can cause heart failure so be very aware of the signs. Take a break from the Valbazen if you experience symptoms like swollen ankles. Take less for the next round.
Because Valbazen is so rough on the body I take it at 200MG every 12 hours.
That is about 1.75 ML of Valbazen. I do this for 3 days then take a week break. I use a 6 ML syringe to measure the dose. These are also available at the farm store. Much easier and more accurate than using measuring spoons. One syringe should last at least a month. Just rinse after use. Apply olive oil to the black rubber if it gets sticky.
The Prazi is about 170 MG per 1/8 teaspoon. I believe the dosage is 50MG per KG of body weight. Check the dosage with ICU's protocol. Take it at the same time as the Valbazen. The more fat you can take with the prazi the better. It takes a minimum of 40 grams of fat to get the prazi absorbed into the system. I found that drinking a shot of quality olive oil works the best for me.
One warning: As bad as you infection is you are probably going to have a terrible Herxheimer reaction. This can kill you because it is basically all the dead
parasites overwhelming your organs. If you start feeling really bad and depressed STOP taking the med until you feel better. Drink lots of water, preferably purified. Also, the flukes will identify that they are under attack and will speed up their activity to combat the meds. DON'T freak out and stop the meds.
The ideal diet for
parasite infection is lots of good fats and as much cooked green vegetables as you can tolerate. They must be cooked. Flukes love meat, sugar, and dairy. Lots of people claim pineapple and pumpkin seeds help kill parasites but it didn't help me with the flukes. These things are really just supplying enzymes. I take Garden of Life Ultra Omega enzyme capsules. It has everything in it that other people recommend taking separately without the cost. Omega zyme is expensive but you only need a couple capsules a day.
Most important: Read, read, read. learn everything you can. Don't follow everything you read. The more you know the better equipped you are to fight. Always check out medical articles before you act. DO NOT read sales ads for products. They twist the truth to sale a product. Don't buy in or discount any opinion you read. Most have value. The problem is everyone and every infection is different.
Send me a private message if you need help with something. I'll help if I can or send you to someone who can.