The Oxypowder has never been part of the MC. I'm glad that you are fine but there are several possibilities that you can do harm doing the OP on the MC. First you could realease more toxins that the system can handle all at once and make yourself sick. Two if you are doing both the OP and the SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) there's also a possibility for dehydration so make sure you are drinking lots of water thoughout the day and third very likely you are interfeering with the cleansing action of the lemon and cayenne and because of the relatively agressive nature of the OP you are probalbly depriving your body of a lot of the nutrition provided by the lemon and the syrup since that is >all< the nutrition you are taking in.
The Master-Cleanse is a very simple, elegant and very efficient way to cleanse your system just the way it was written. More is not necesarily better. The OP can and should be done while eating regular.
The main concern between the 2 is whether you hafta function in everyday activities. The MC will provide you with calories, vitamins and minerals where you should be able to carry on a normal life and even exercise whereas in a water fast you are getting no nutrition and you are supposed to rest as much as possible.
Neither the MC or water fasting are weight loss diets. Their main function is to cleanse the system. Permanent weightloss requires a lifestyle/habits change and that is even more relevant when using any form of fasting to loose weight since all froms of fasting will slow the metabolism down. That is a catch 22 since most obese folks already have slow metabolisms making any from of fasting a losing proposition when using it for it for weight loss only.
Unless you undestand and are comitted to the follow up required after fasting to maintain any weight lost any form of fasting is a surefire plan for failure where not only will you gain the weight you lost back but you can gain back even more than you lost very rapidly because of the slowed metabolism. If you go back to your old habits you "will" gain the weight back and even faster yet if you don't incorporate regular exercise to help bring the metabolism back to normal and keep it up so you will contilue to loose weight in a safe a effective maner. It will take educating yourself, focus, comittment and time.
Because the MC is a cleanse and it will address the root causes of obesity it is a terrific way to jump start a weight loss program but it just isn't a weight loss diet without the essential comittment to follow up. It is just a tool that will help your system operate more efficiently so you can keep loosing the weight safely and effectively with proper nutrition and regular exercise. Read the links below for more insights on using the MC as >>part<< of a weight loss program. There just ain't no short cut. Obesity is not a thing in and of itself but it is a "health issue" and it's just a manifestation of many possible causes. Understanding and coming to terms with that is the only way I know to permanently loose weight.
Fasting is a no brainer. The real task and the reality of weight loss (health) is educating yourself and changing your lifestyle and habits and I'll say it again for good measure. Excersise ,exercise exercise !!!