Enemas causing an addiction??? I don't know how to answer that one. I think that enemas are a personal choice and can be used as needed for certain purposes. I think using enemas to eliminate pinworms or other
parasites is very helpful. I think
colonics are better since they reach higher in the colon but they can be expensive.
I am basing my opinion on twice a day enemas from the book
Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism by Kerri Rivera . They recommend that enemas can be done more than once a day.
I think that each person has to experiment and find what works for them. If someone is in pain from pin worms, flushing out the adults twice a day is justified. I am not recommending that it be a continuous practice for a lifetime. Just a practice to eliminate
parasites and maintain colon health as the individual needs dictate.
Yes, good bacteria may be eliminated along with the
parasites and some die off symptoms. Moving the parasites out of the digestive system is the first priority however. The longer they decay/digest in the system the more die off symptoms you will get.
You can reintroduce good bacteria thru probiotics and fermented foods if you feel the need. Personally, I would wait until the parasites are eliminated because they literally can eat holes in your digestive system. Adding probiotics and fermented foods to a leaky gut may induce some allergic reactions. When eliminating parasites, it is best to stick to a very bland diet of well cooked veggies and meat. You don't want your digestive system to have to work hard at digestion. You want it to work hard at killing parasites. The one addition I would suggest is Betaine HCL. It is stomach acid and may help with digestion and with killing the parasites. There is also the issue of biofilm. See my blog for a further discussion.
The order for repairing the gut and killing the parasites is removal, repair of the leaky gut, reinoculation with good bacteria and then restoration of normal functions.
I just posted a new blog post on fixing the leaky gut that occurs after the parasites. You can find my entire protocol on the very first post of my blog, Getting the Parasites Out. Go to Blogs, New Blogs and scroll down to #4190. Once you open the blog, you will have to go to page one and then to the very first post to find my protocol. Printed out, it is about 5 pages. I periodically update it as I get new info.