If I were you I would ask the people who manufacture the stuff questions like this. And I would trust the answer a whole lot more from them. Or you could google for the answer and it may even come up if it is on cure zone and the poster used any key words.
Are you asking because you used it, and the darn things came back? Or are you wondering if they came back because you got re-exposed? Or could there be some hatching out of eggs that were laid before you got rid of a few generations?
I imagine a hatch-out infection could be worse than a new one, because of the hormone switch that prevents hatchlings from competing with their layers for food, which would mean a layer can lay many eggs without starving herself out of existence.
If the infestation is large and she croaks, the host could be toast, and mighty fast, without a sound and proven mop up plan, would be my hypothesis, given the limited amount of knowledge I have from reading about it.
And there are plenty of sound and proven mop up plans running around like chickens with their heads cut off, myself included. So take all of this information with a grain of salt peter and do not rush into anything because I have the scars to prove it.
Getting rid of
parasites can be more harrowing than living with them until the very end when they have finally sucked all there is to suck out of you is my humble opinion. Some people believe you will live a whole lot longer if you just make friends with them because they want the host to live for a long long time, so then can keep feeding on the walking talking breathing corpse (guess who?).
And since the
parasites control the hosts, they have highly evolved biological ways to make sure the eco-systems (bodies) they exist in stay alive for as long as possible. Some people stop trying to get rid of them because of this. But it is more common for hosts to just never start trying because they want their
parasites to strengthen their immune system for them.
I would rather do it myself with herbs because I am a purist and I do not like walking around knowing there is something inside of me that can make me crave sugar, poop garlic cloves, constipate me for it's own benefit regardless of the painful hemorrhoids I must suffer, etc etc.
No I do not appreciate pain. Especially pain that is unnecessary. And my aim is to hostess nothing but symbiotic allies that contribute to my own comfort, ease, peace and happiness as they create their own with my permission. Otherwise out ouch with them.
But in the case of segmenting worms you are dealing with a
Cloning situation and that is a whole different game of pin balls if you speak in those terms. Getting rid of them is more like bowling. I am guessing. Not a tape specialist here. But maybe something strange is going on with them like you have to get the scolex first in order to prevent potential reinfection with segments IN a host with a relatedly compromised immune function. I don't know. I am just guessing as to what is going on that might reap rapid havoc on a body and be worthy of avoidance.
Do not rush into anything. Think about what you are doing first. Knowing for sure would be very helpful to everyone. Are there any experts on this subject, who think they might know, and are willing to share some wisdom that would enlighten us?