Everyone has parasites. There are hundreds. Healthy bodies on a
healthy Diet neutralizes and controls the effects of
parasites and prevents diseases that weaken the ability of our immune system to protect its self.
Vitamin/minerals deficiencies! Ninety % of health is dietary.
The crippling effects to the immune system by toxic refined sugars, white bread, white rice, pasta, limit starchy foods, vegetable oils, junk foods, chemicals
in processed foods, all soft drinks, GMO, soy, soy milk, corn, microwave, deep fried foods and artificial sweeteners. The excess sugars in the body are used
by fungus, yeasts, parasites, diseases to grow and replicate. Cause allergies, candida, bipolar, depression, obesity.
Human/animal grade diatomaceous is important with ‘C’ to control
parasites that drain the body of nutrients, energy and to replace cells burnt up by inflammation
and to control the destructive force of free radicals.
Parasites, Toxins, Diet! ‘DE’
Weather you have
parasites or not, 'Human/Animal grade diatomaceous earth' will kill parasites in the gut and much more, do the research! Eighty to 89% silica
and lesser amounts other minerals. Silica is the skeletal remains of fresh water hard-shelled algae.
All natural mineral, non toxic. I have used it over 2 year now and love what it has done for me. Many call it a miracle for what its done for them. Helps Celiac disease,
colon and fibromyalgia, ‘pain', arthritic, ‘Parasites’, colon, eczema, blood pressure, cholesterol, candida, age spots, adrenal, stomach, 'energy', heart, diarrhea, drugs,
constipation, obesity, skin, eyes, hair, calcium and nails and many more, This is why many call diatomaceous earth (DE, dirt, mud) 'a miracle’. Works best with 3 to 6 or
more grams a day vitamin ‘C’ and without Processed
Sugar and oils. All ages and pets. Can be found online, and ANIMAL FEED SUPPLIERS at less than 30 cents lb = 40 lb pound bag, also some health stores and Amazon