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Understand the reason why aluminum is in our vaccines (Opinion)
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  • Video Embedded Gary Null Exposes NOW, Big Pharma a... plzchuckle  13 y  5,281  


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    Big pharma gets exposed for their vaccination scams and the serious and dangerous outcomes of being vaccinated.

  • Immunization Programs under Scrutiny plzchuckle  13 y  5,166  


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    Part 1

    (NaturalNews) For many decades, leading scientists and doctors have vehemently promoted the idea that immunization of children is necessary to protect them from contracting such diseases as diphtheria, polio, cholera, typhoid, or malaria. Yet evidence is mounting that immunization may not only be unnecessary but even harmful. Pouring deadly chemicals into a lake doesn’t make it immune to pollutants. Likewise, injecting the live poisons contained in vaccines into the bloodstream of children hardly gives future generations a chance to lead truly healthy lives. American children often receive some 30 vaccinations within the first 6 years of their lives and children in the U.K. can expect to be vaccinated about 25 times.

    Within the first 15 months of life, vaccinations including nine or more different antigens are pumped into the immature immune systems of babies. Despite the colossal efforts and large sums of money spent on vaccine research, medicine has never been able to devise a cholera vaccine that works and the drugs for malaria aren’t as effective as a single herb.

    Diphtheria is still combated with toxic immunization programs even though it has almost completely disappeared from the earth. When diphtheria broke out in Chicago in 1969, 11 of the 16 victims were either already immune or had been immunized against diphtheria. In another report, 14 out of 23 victims were completely immune. This shows that vaccination makes no difference when it comes to protection against diphtheria; on the contrary, it can even increase the chances of being infected.

    Immunization against mumps is also highly dubious. Even though it initially reduces the likelihood of becoming infected, the risk for mumps infection increases after immunity subsides. In 1995, a study conducted by the U.K.’s Public Health Laboratory Service and published in the Lancet showed that children given the measles/mumps/rubella shot were three times more likely to suffer from convulsions than those children who didn’t receive it. The study also found that the MMR vaccine increased by five times the number of children suffering a rare blood disorder.

    It is interesting to note that the mortality rate from measles declined by 95 percent before the measles vaccine was introduced. In the United Kingdom, despite widespread vaccination among toddlers, cases of measles recently increased by nearly 25 percent. The United States has been suffering from a steadily increasing epidemic of measles, although (or because) the measles vaccine has been in effect since 1957. After a few sudden drops and rises, the cases of measles are now suddenly dropping again. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) acknowledged that this could be related to an overall decrease in the occurrence of measles in the Western Hemisphere.

    In addition to this evidence, many studies show that the measles vaccine isn’t effective. For example, as reported in a 1987 New England Journal of Medicine article, a 1986 outbreak of measles in Corpus Christi, Texas found 99 percent of the victims had been vaccinated. In 1987, 60 percent of the cases of measles occurred in children who had been properly vaccinated at the appropriate age. One year later, this figure rose to 80 percent.

    Apart from not protecting against measles and possibly even increasing the risk of contracting the disease, the MMR vaccine has been proven to produce numerous adverse effects. Among them are encephalitis, brain complications, convulsions, retardation of mental and physical growth, high fever, pneumonia, meningitis, aseptic meningitis, mumps, atypical measles, blood disorders such as thrombocytopenia, fatal shock, arthritis, SSPE, one-sided paralysis, and death. According to a study published in the Lancet in 1985, if children develop “mild measles” as a result of receiving the vaccine, the accompanying underdeveloped rash may be responsible for causing degenerative diseases such as cancer later in life.

    In reality, measles is not a dangerous childhood illness at all. The belief that measles can lead to blindness is a myth that finds its roots in an increased sensitivity to light during illness. This problem subsides when the room is dimmed and vanishes completely with recovery. For a long time, measles was believed to increase the risk of a brain infection (encephalitis) which is known to occur only among children who live in poverty and suffer from malnutrition. Among upper class children, only 1 out of 100,000 will become infected. Besides, less than half of children given a measles booster are protected against the disease.

    In a report issued by German health authorities and published in a 1989 issue of the Lancet, the mumps vaccine was revealed to have caused 27 specific neurological reactions, including meningitis, febrile convulsions, encephalitis, and epilepsy. A Yugoslavian study linked 1 per 1,000 cases of mumps encephalitis directly to the vaccine. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal in the U.S. reported in 1989 that the rate varies from 1 in 405 to 1 in 7,000 shots for mumps.

    Although mumps is generally a mild illness and the vaccine’s side effects are severe, it is still included in the MMR vaccine. And so is the vaccine for rubella, although it is known to cause Arthritis in up to 3 percent of children and in up to 20 percent of the adult women who have received it. In 1994 the Department of Health admitted to doctors that 11 percent of first-time recipients of the rubella vaccine will get arthritis. Symptoms range from mild aches to severe crippling. Other studies show a 30 percent chance of developing Arthritis in direct response to the rubella vaccine.

    Research confirms that the whooping cough vaccine is only effective in 36 percent of children. A report by Professor Gordon Stewart, which was published in 1994 in World Medicine, demonstrated that the risks of the whooping cough vaccine outweighed the benefits. The whooping cough or pertussis vaccine is by far the most dangerous of all the vaccines. DTP, the whooping cough vaccine that was used in the U.S. until 1992, contained the carcinogen formaldehyde, and the highly toxic metals aluminum and mercury. Both this vaccine and its “improved” version DTaP have never been tested for safety, only for efficacy.

    The new vaccine has proved to be no better than the old one. Both versions cause death, near-death, seizures, developmental delay, and hospitalization. DTaP (formerly DTP) is given to babies as young as six weeks old, although the vaccine has never been tested on this age group. Among the 17 potential health problems caused by the whooping cough vaccine is sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). According to an estimate from the University of California at Los Angeles, 1,000 U.S. infants a year die as a direct result of receiving the vaccine.

    Immunization programs against polio have no benefits other than economic ones for vaccine producers. The scientist who eliminated polio now suspects that the handful of polio cases which have occurred in the U.S. since the seventies are caused by the live viruses that were used as vaccines. In Finland and Sweden, where the use of live vaccines for polio is prohibited, there has not been a single case of polio in ten years. If live viruses used as a vaccine can cause polio today when hygiene is generally high, it may well be that the polio epidemics 40 to 50 years ago were also caused by immunization against polio while hygiene, sanitation, housing, and nutritional standards were still very low.

    In the United States, cases of polio increased by 50 percent between 1957 and 1958, and by 80 percent from 1958 to 1959 after the introduction of mass immunization. In five states, cases of polio doubled after the polio vaccine was given to large numbers of the population. As soon as hygiene and sanitation improved, despite the immunization programs, the viral disease quickly disappeared. Whatever may have been the reason for polio outbreaks in the past, it is highly questionable today to immunize an entire population against a disease that does not even exist any more. It raises major questions about the motives behind polio vaccination.

    Further, the history of some simian virus 40 (SV40) infections in humans is linked to the use of polio vaccines. According to the American Journal of Medicine, many studies have reported the presence of SV40 from the polio vaccine in human brain tumors and bone cancers, malignant mesothelioma, and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The polio vaccine seems ever more linked to cancers, especially in children. The cancers caused by the use of the polio vaccine in the past still kills 20,000 people a year in the United States. This is quite outrageous given the fact that polio itself hasn’t killed anyone for a long time.

    - Excerpt from Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation by Andreas Moritz ( or (

    Immunization Programs Under Scrutiny (Part 1)

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    • Immunization Programs under Scrutiny... plzchuckle  13 y  5,190  


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      (NaturalNews) vaccination no longer makes any sense. Or did it ever? The much-acclaimed benefits of the latest vaccine against Hib meningitis also seem to be unfounded. In a pro-vaccine study published in 1993 in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the children in the control group who didn’t receive the vaccine also experienced a drastic reduction in the cases of Hib infection - from 99.3 to 68.5 per 100,000.

      The latest problem arising from the use of vaccines is that they can cause the body to develop viral “mutants” and even spread the newly created disease to the population at large. Since viral mutants are rarely detected in blood donor screening, they can easily be transmitted through donated blood. This way, the original vaccines may be able to wipe out the strains of virus that are known to cause these various diseases, but in the same stroke they cause other mutant strains of virus to thrive.

      Research also showed that a single injection of any kind could increase the risk of paralysis fivefold. Polio, for example, is more common in developing countries where children receive more injections than in developed countries. A study published in 1995 by the New England Journal of Medicine showed that injection of the polio vaccine actually caused outbreaks of the disease.

      A 1993 report released by the American National Academy of Science Institute of Medicine concluded that virtually all nine vaccines given to children have at some time been proved to cause damage, including such complications as shock, convulsions, or paralysis. The problem is that a child’s body is expected to cope with not just one type of poison contained in one vaccine, but with several different ones contained in as many as nine vaccines. Many children have died or become permanently and severely brain damaged within days after immunization. In many cases, however, the adverse effects from vaccination are less devastating but still serious enough to take a good look at the reasons why parents haven't been informed. In many countries, parents are actually forced by law to immunize their children.

      Unfounded vaccination Hysteria

      It has long been known that, in some illnesses such as measles, chicken pox and scarlet fever, one bout of the illness usually provides lifelong immunity. A second experience with measles or scarlet fever is extremely rare.

      The concepts of medicine formulated in the 19th century were partially based on the understanding by the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, who observed that an illness manifests signs and symptoms that travel from the inner vital organs and blood circulation to the outer surface of the body. These symptoms would often be visible as a rash or as a discharge of blood, mucus or pus. This “throwing off” of an illness was considered a natural healing response expected to return the body to a state of balance or equilibrium. Hippocrates perceived this labor as a cooking and digesting (pepsis) of our inner poisons during an inflammatory illness. It was also observed that immunity to or protection from an illness arose when a person had that illness before. Today we consider a disease as being an enemy that we need to battle against.

      Contrary to common understanding, an inflammatory-infectious illness does not begin when we become exposed to and are infected with a virus or bacterium, but when our body starts its response. The magnitude of our body’s response (severity of illness) is not only influenced by the magnitude of the infection, but also by the stamina and inherent strength in us. The healing force employed by the body depends on multiple factors, such as emotions, spiritual foundation, diet, lifestyle, environment, etc. Our immunity certainly does not depend on whether we have been vaccinated against infectious agents.

      The crucial factor of strong immunity is due to our immune system’s ability to keep the germs at bay or fight them. If the vigor of our immune response is weak, germs are likely to infect us. But normally, the majority of germ “invasions” occur silently, without ever disturbing us. Symptoms of disease occur only at the time the immune system decides it is necessary to aggressively defend itself against harmful influences.

      Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) was the first researcher to postulate that diseases are caused by germs. Pasteur's germ theory proposed that disease germs are after us because they need to prey on us for their own survival while contributing nothing to us in return. He initially believed that infectious/inflammatory diseases are a direct result of germs feasting on us. In microscopic studies of host tissues in such diseases, Pasteur, Koch and their colleagues repeatedly observed that germs proliferated while many host cells were dying. These researchers concluded that germs attack and destroy healthy cells, and thereby start a disease process in the body. Although this assumption turned out to be wrong, it had already made its debut in the world of science, and the erroneous idea that germs cause infections became an undisputed reality. Today, this idea continues to prevail as a fundamental “scientific truth” in the modern medical system.

      Pasteur could have just as easily concluded that bacteria are naturally attracted to the sites of increased cell death, just like they are attracted to decaying organic matter elsewhere in nature. Flies, ants, crows, vultures and, of course, bacteria are drawn towards death. Why would this be different in the body? Weak, damaged or dead cells in the body are just as prone to germ infection as an overripe piece of fruit. Pasteur and all the researchers that followed in his footsteps made the choice of thinking of germs either as predators or scavengers. Had they assumed that cells die for non-apparent biochemical reasons (such as toxicity buildup), our current thinking about illness and health would have been completely different than it is today. We would all have grown up with the knowledge that the occurrence of inflammatory/infectious illnesses can ultimately not be attributed to germs, but must be located in the various human frailties that necessitate the forces of decay and death.

      Germs only become poisonous to us when confronted with the poisons we create; our body does not battle germs because they are the enemy. An immune system reaction such as high fever or depletion of energy is meant to cleanse the body of harmful substances that otherwise could lead to the eventual demise of the entire body.

      In situations of extreme toxicity, the immune system may be so overwhelmed with the poisons it tries to eliminate that it may or may not be able to save the person. In the third scenario, the immune system doesn’t respond to the poisons and germs at all, and no acute disease symptoms appear (no fever, inflammations, pain). The result then is chronic, debilitating illness known as allergic or autoimmune disorders.

      In the scenario where the immune system has successfully restored the body’s functions, the body has acquired immunity to the germs that initiated the rescue mission. Vaccine Science has pursued the question of how we can bring about lifelong immunity to an infectious-inflammatory illness without having to experience the illness first. Their assumption is that, by having antibodies in the blood for certain illness-causing germs, you are automatically protected against them. However, no proof has shown whether protection from the germs is due to the presence of antibodies or to a normal healthy immune response. It is actually much more likely that the latter is true, unless vaccine poisons have damaged or even paralyzed the immune system.

      Only when the germs number or rate of growth exceeds a certain threshold are they then recognized by the immune system, resulting in the formation of antibodies specific to the particular provocative bug. A large presence of germs indicates that the cell tissue has become damaged or weak due to the accumulation of acid waste. At that level of infection, things get seriously out of control and a tribe of germs proliferates wildly and provokes the full defensive reaction of our immune system. This is what doctors call an “acute inflammatory response.” Symptoms usually include fever, release of stress hormones by the adrenal glands, increased flow of blood, lymph, and mucus, and a streaming of white blood cells to the inflamed area. The afflicted person feels sick and may experience pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness and chills. The sweating out and throwing off of the illness is a natural response by the body that reflects a healthy immune system. A really sick person would no longer be able to come up with such healing responses.

      Once we have successfully passed the challenge of a particular illness, it is less likely that we will experience it again. Somehow the illness and our response to it have made us immune to its recurrence. It is more than doubtful, though, that vaccination can do the same for us by forcing the body to make antibodies for some germs that appear to be causing an infection. It has been shown over and over again that, despite the vaccination of a person against a particular illness, the person may just develop that very illness he is supposed to be protected against, or even more so. The mere presence of specific antibodies cannot protect anyone against any illness, only the cellular immune system can. Although it is true that Science knows how to bestow antibodies through vaccination, it mistakenly assumes that it is bestowing the immune strength that can only be developed through the experience of a particular illness.

      Antibodies alone are not sufficient to produce immunity. It is well known that several diseases, such as herpes outbreaks, may recur repeatedly despite high antibody levels. Whether or not antibodies are present, immunity to these infectious diseases can only be conferred by our cellular immune system. The theory that exposing the body to disease germs will trigger an immune response similar to the one generated during an actual disease experience is seriously flawed.

      Excerpt from Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation by Andreas Moritz ( or (

      Vaccination Programs Under Scrutiny (Part 2)

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    • Immunization Programs under Scrutiny... plzchuckle  13 y  5,386  


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      (NaturalNews) Vaccines are composed of protein, bacterial and viral material, as well as preservatives , neutralizers, and carrying agents. The vaccine against bacterial meningitis is made from the brains and heart of cows among other highly toxic components. Alarmed by the outbreak of mad cow’s disease, the Italian authorities ordered the seizure of the vaccine in January 1997 for fear it could cause the human version of the disease. By injecting such cocktails of foreign and destructive substances directly into the bloodstream, the human body stands little or no chance of neutralizing the poisons.

      Under normal circumstances, all ingested foods, beverages, etc. have to pass through the mucus membranes, the intestinal walls, or the liver before they are permitted into such important areas as the blood, the heart, or the brain. The sudden appearance of a poison in the bloodstream is often met by a counterattack of the immune system that uses an entire arsenal of antibodies to prevent death from poisoning (allergic reaction). This allergic response can lead to a sudden, sometimes fatal, collapse known as anaphylactic shock response. Among the causes of anaphylactic shock are immunizations for diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis B, and whooping cough. A young person’s immune system hasn't typically matured enough to be effective against this type of onslaught.

      No less dangerous is the Guillain-Barré syndrome which leads to paralysis and is caused by immunizations for measles, diphtheria, influenza, tetanus, and the oral polio vaccine. This is hardly surprising when one considers the high toxicity of these vaccines. It is well known that children whose immune systems are already weak experience more serious complications than those whose constitution and immune system are much stronger. Still, vaccines are given indiscriminately regardless of the children’s health status. Many children at infancy don’t even get the chance to be healthy later in life because they are pumped full of these poisons against which they are helpless. At this stage of development, a child has not yet acquired full natural immunity and has little ability to protect himself.

      Increasing evidence shows that chronic diseases, such as Rheumatoid Arthritis , encephalitis, multiple sclerosis, leukemia, other forms of cancer and even AIDS diseases are linked to vaccinations administered in the early stages of life. Rheumatoid Arthritis is an inflammatory disease of the joints, which had been thought to afflict only the elderly. More recently though, the crippling disease has spread among the young generation and measles and rubella inoculations have been identified as the cause.

      Researchers from the American Food and Drug Administration discovered that vaccinations, particularly the hepatitis B shot, could cause hair loss. They estimate that 50,000 Americans suffer hair loss (alopecia) after immunization every year. The report was published by the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1997.

      It is nearly impossible to estimate the damage and suffering that has been created and will occur in the future as a result of inadequate information about the dangers of modern immunization programs. Parents want to do what is best for their children and they carry a heavy burden of responsibility to keep them healthy and safe. Misinformation can create a strong conflict in parents because they don’t want to neglect their children’s health or cause them any harm.

      Most health authorities are not exactly helpful in supporting parents to choose what is best for their children. In spite of damaging evidence, such as the following, they still support the use of immunizations. For instance, the use of the mercury-based thimerosal as a preservative in vaccines has been associated with autism. Despite the evidence, mercury is still being added to vaccines at completely unsafe levels considering the fact that it is a known neurotoxin. A recent study conducted by the University of Calgary showed that mercury ions alter the cell-membrane of developing neurons in babies and young children, directly contributing to autism.

      In the late 1990s, the U.S. Public Health Service and the American Academy of Pediatrics petitioned drug companies to remove thimerosal from vaccines intended for children. Why? Well, in one study that examined CDC statistics, researchers found evidence that children who receive just three vaccines containing thimerosal are 27 times more likely to develop autism, compared to children who get vaccinations containing no thimerosal. That’s a 2,700 percent increase. Who needs more proof than that? Apparently, the current (2007) administration of the U.S. government does.

      Despite a 2004 campaign promise to the contrary, President Bush promised to veto the HHS-Labor-Education Appropriations Bill, which includes a measure to ban childhood flu vaccines that contain thimerosal because of cost concerns. As for now, despite the warnings, flu vaccines which contain thimerosal continue to be recommended for all pregnant women, infants and children, even though the Institute of Medicine recommended in 2001 that these population groups not be exposed to thimerosal-containing vaccines. One in every six women of childbearing age has enough mercury in her bloodstream to cause neurological damage to her unborn children, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

      Is it mere coincidence that rates of autism increased when the Center for Disease Control inserted additions to the recommended vaccination program for infants in 1988? In the 1980s, autism rates were estimated at only six in 10,000 children. Today one in 150 children is autistic, though in some areas autism affects closer to one in 50 children. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has acknowledged that thimerosal can be a neurotoxin (knowing very well that mercury is a neurotoxin), and in 2004 stated that thimerosal-containing vaccines were associated with autism. As of 2003, there were 1.5 million autistic U.S. children, adding $90 billion per year to the already skyrocketing health care costs.

      According to ex-vaccine researcher Dr. Davis, who worked for many years in the laboratories of major pharmaceutical houses and the U.S. government's National Institutes of Health (his true name cannot be mentioned here for obvious reasons), all vaccines are dangerous to health. In an interview he stated that vaccines involve the human immune system in a process that tends to compromise immunity. “They can actually cause the disease they are supposed to prevent. They can cause other diseases than the ones they are supposed to prevent,” says this scientist.

      While working with different vaccines, Dr. Davis found a number of contaminants in them. In the Rimavex measles vaccine, he found various chicken viruses. In the polio vaccine, he found acanthamoeba, a so-called brain-eating amoeba, and a simian cytomegalovirus. Also discovered was simian foamy virus in the rotavirus vaccine and bird-cancer viruses in the MMR vaccine. Various microorganisms were present in the anthrax vaccine and potentially dangerous enzyme inhibitors were present in several other vaccines. Duck, dog, and rabbit viruses were present in the rubella vaccine, avian leucosis virus in the flu vaccine, and pestivirus in the MMR vaccine.

      What most people don't know is that some polio vaccines, adenovirus vaccines, rubella and hepatitis A and measles vaccines have been made with aborted human fetal tissue. Dr. Davis found what he believed were bacterial fragments and poliovirus in these vaccines from time to time which may have come from that fetal tissue. In addition, he also found “fragments” of human hair and human mucus. Apart from such contamination, it is worth mentioning that standard chemicals like formaldehyde, mercury, and aluminum are purposely put into vaccines. It is left up to your imagination as to what must happen to the health prospects of our future generations when such cocktails of ghastly poisons are directly injected into the bloodstream of a child.

      Dr. Davis conceded that no long-term studies have been done on any vaccines, and that long-term follow-up is not done in any careful way. The assumption is made that vaccines do not cause problems, so why should anyone check? Besides, a vaccine reaction is defined so that all negative reactions are said to occur very soon after the shot is given. But a vaccine obviously acts in the body for a long period of time after it is given. A reaction can be very gradual, just as chemical poisoning can occur very gradually. Neurological problems can develop over time. In actual fact, a vaccine that contains mercury may not show any damage for several months. And who is testing or investigating when a child “becomes” autistic for no apparent reason? Those administering the vaccines claim “This vaccine is safe.” How can they be so sure of this when there is no scientific research to back up that claim, and when no testing procedures are in place to ensure their safety? Quite the opposite is true - plenty of evidence shows that vaccines are not safe.

      Questions have recently emerged in the United States and Australia about the effectiveness and possibly dangerous side effects of Gardasil, Merck's newly licensed vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV). This vaccine is given to young girls to prevent cervical cancer, which kills about 3,700 women each year. On June 9, 2007, The British Medical Journal reported that three deaths occurred in the U.S. shortly after immunization with the vaccine; these were among 1,637 adverse reactions reported by Judicial Watch, a public interest watchdog. Judicial Watch obtained the reports from the Food and Drug Administration using the Freedom of Information Act. The reports were filed through the FDA's vaccine adverse event reporting system.

      In Melbourne, Australia, 25 girls at a Catholic high school experienced headache, nausea, and dizziness after receiving their first injection of the vaccine, The Age reported. Merck, the manufacturer of this vaccine, is the same company that made Vioxx, the drug that killed over 60,000 people and that tried to conceal the facts of Vioxx’s deadly side effects. Although cervical cancer is easily preventable through non-drug approaches, Merck is trying to make this vaccination mandatory in all U.S. states. The drug-giant is clearly not interested in helping out a relatively few young girls who could be at risk of developing cervical cancer later in their lives; it rather wants to open up the huge potential market for cancer vaccines. Merck's own literature says it is important to realize that Gardasil does not protect women against some “non-vaccine” HPV types. In other words, even if girls accept the risks and get vaccinated, they can still get HPV.

      Excerpt from Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation (500 pages) by Andreas Moritz ( or (

      Topics also discussed in the book are:

      * Is the Need for Immunization Based on Statistical Errors?

      * How to Acquire Immunity Naturally, and How to Stay Immune

      * The Vaccine-Autism Link

      * Natural Methods of Nursing Children Back to Health

      * Protect Yourself Against the Flu Vaccine!

      * Why People Get the Flu

      About the author

      Andreas Moritz is a medical intuitive; a practitioner of Ayurveda, iridology, shiatsu, and vibrational medicine; a writer; and an artist. He is the author of The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush, Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation, Lifting the Veil of Duality, Cancer Is Not a Disease, It’s Time to Come Alive, Heart Disease No More, Diabetes No More, Simple Steps to Total Health, Diabetes—No More, Ending the AIDS Myth and Heal Yourself with Sunlight. For more information, visit the author’s website (

      Vaccination Programs Under Scrutiny (Part 3)

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  • Image Embedded International Medical Council on Vac... plzchuckle  13 y  5,450  


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    (NaturalNews) To hear it from proponents of the vaccine industry, vaccines are based on rock-solid Science that proves them to be completely safe and widely effective. These beliefs, however, are not factually based on real Science but rather a persistent vaccine mythology that has been propagandized by the vaccine industry, medical practitioners and even governments which underwrite vaccine risks.

    Today, the International Medical Council on vaccination ( has released, exclusively through, a groundbreaking document containing the signatures of over 80 family physicians, brain surgeons and professors of pathology, chemistry and immunity, all of which have signed on to a document stating, on the record, that vaccines pose a significant risk of harm to the health of children and that there is no real Science backing the "vaccine mythology" which claims that vaccines are somehow good for children.

    This groundbreaking document, called Vaccines: Get the Full Story, is available as a free download from Click the report cover image on the right to go directly to the download page, where you'll find downloads available in 9 languages, including Spanish, French, Hebrew and Russian.

    You have permission to share this report. Please also share the download page with others so that moms and parents can get educated about the risks associated with vaccines and thereby protect their children from the risk of harm caused by vaccines.

    The vaccine industry's message is like a broken record: Vaccines are "safe and effective," they say. But repeating a lie over and over again does not magically make it true. Any such declaration of vaccine safety or effectiveness must be based on actual scientific inquiry, and the real science is utterly lacking on vaccines. Did you know, for example, that MMR and seasonal flu vaccines have never been clinically tested against non-vaccinated individuals?

    Did you also know that even though vaccines can cause long-term damage in children, with symptoms appearing months or even years later, they are typically only assessed for side effects for two or three weeks?

    What you'll find in this free downloadable report

    Here's some of what you'll find in this eye-opening report from the International Medical Council on vaccination (

    • A list of the many MDs, PhDs, NDs and other medical professionals who are signing onto this document and taking a stand to critically question the myth that vaccines are proven to be both safe and effective.

    • Why vaccines have NEVER been proven safe or effective.

    • A list of some of the serious health side effects caused by vaccines.

    • Why autism is associated with vaccines.

    • The profit motivation behind the pharmaceutical industry's persistent vaccine push.

    • A list of which institutions and organizations profit from your sickness.

    • The shocking truth about what's used to make vaccines (aborted fetal tissue, 59 different chemicals, DNA from diseased animals and more).

    • An overview of some of the most dangerous vaccine ingredients, including aluminum and formaldehyde.

    • The truth about conflicts of interest in the vaccine community and why doctors profit from vaccination policies.

    • Why vaccinated children have far worse health outcomes than unvaccinated children (and why the vaccine industry refuses to test vaccines against the long-term health outcomes of unvaccinated children).

    • How to opt out of "mandatory" vaccines.

    • Important advice for parents about how to protect the health of your children while saying NO to vaccines.

    • Online resources for learning more about the dangers of vaccines.

    • A list of recommended reading materials for further education.

    Download this report right now by clicking the report cover image on the right. Yes, you may share this document with others.

    NaturalNews is also featuring two interviews this week with two of the physicians who signed this report: Drs Sherri Tenpenny and Suzanne Humphries. Their interviews will be posted in their entirety here on NaturalNews this week. On Friday (if not earlier), we will also be featuring an on-camera interview with Dr Andrew Wakefield, who talks with us about the symptoms of autism, why vaccines are potentially so dangerous to children, and what parents can do to protect their children from vaccine dangers.

    Why this is a must-read report

    This report by the International Medical Council on Vaccination ( is an absolute must-read for parents everywhere. It describes little-known facts about vaccines, children and immune health that the vaccine manufacturers and government health authorities don't want circulated. Whether or not you choose to vaccinate yourself or your children, you owe it to yourself to hear both side of the story before making a decision, and this report tells you the side of the story that your doctor probably doesn't know and your government absolutely does not want you to hear.

    That's because governments underwrite vaccine risk through their government compensation programs. Thus, it is in the interests of governments that vaccines never be shown to cause harm.

    Why the vaccine industry is so desperate to silence dissent

    Today, I believe the vaccine industry is crumbling. As the truth is finally getting out about the link between MMR vaccines and autism, about the deaths associated with Gardasil, and about the horrifying ingredients used in vaccines, more and more parents are becoming well-informed and choosing to avoid vaccinating their children.

    This is causing the vaccine industry to react with a sense of desperation. That's why the British Medical Journal (BMJ) has resorted to using articles written by a blogger named Brian Deer to spread factually false accusations about some of the top medical specialists in the world who are legitimately questioning the safety of vaccines (such as Dr Andrew Wakefield). Unquestioning obedience to conventional vaccine mythology is so central to the ongoing profitability of the pharmaceutical industry that vaccine manufacturers will resort to practically anything to protect their turf and try to silence anyone who questions what can only be called a dogmatic delusion of vaccine safety and effectiveness.

    Vaccine advocates refuse to debate actual facts about vaccines. That's because the facts, if revealed, would reveal the vaccine industry to be based almost entirely on fraudulent science and profit motives. Those facts include:

    • Vaccines are almost never scientifically tested in randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies using proper placebos such as saline solution. Instead, the industry uses other vaccines as "placebo" in order to try to hide the harm caused by those vaccines.

    • The viral ingredients that go into vaccines are absolutely horrifying, and they include stealth viruses that are not listed on the label, as well as DNA taken from diseased animals such as cows and monkeys.

    • The chemicals used in vaccines are known neurotoxins, and they include mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde. The use of these chemical toxins is not even denied by the vaccine industry. Even worse, these chemicals are injected into the body, bypassing the digestive / liver systems that normally help neutralize toxic substances that might be swallowed. This is why statements from vaccine pitchmen like Dr oz who claim "there's more mercury in fish than vaccines" are intellectually dishonest and misleading. People don't inject their children with fish.

    • The mainstream media has huge conflicts of interest in reporting on vaccines because virtually all media outlets depend on pharmaceutical advertising money to stay financially afloat. This is why popular news personalities like Anderson Cooper and George Stephanopoulos wildly discredit themselves when they play the roles of on-air attack dogs targeting people like Dr Andrew Wakefield. Notice how they never disclose their own networks' financial ties to Big Pharma?

    • Even governments have huge motivations to make sure MMR vaccines (and other types of vaccines) are never shown to be harmful because they have underwritten vaccine risk through the creation of special funds that pay damages to vaccine victims. If the true risks of vaccines were widely known and acknowledged, the resulting claims from parents of children harmed by vaccines would total in the trillions of dollars.

    • Speaking of vaccine victims, the United States government routinely admits that vaccines cause autism and other harmful effects in children through its Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund, which has paid out tens of millions of dollars in awards to parents whose children were proven to have been harmed by vaccines.

    ... this story gets much, much deeper. The more you look at the facts, the more you realize the vaccine industry is steeped in conflicts of interest, quack science, profit motivations, corrupt individuals and the complete disregard for the safety of children. The vaccine industry is, effectively, one of the most dangerous examples of modern organized crime. Its actions are profiteering and monopolistic, and it maintains its power through a persisted campaign of intimidation, censorship, financial influence and quack science.

    This story is just beginning to unfold. Watch for continued coverage of this developing story.

    Why the vaccine industry does not want you to read this report

    You will be absolutely stunned at what you learn about the risks and dangers of vaccines, including MMR vaccines, as revealed in this report.

    Click here to download this report and see for yourself.

    This is the information the vaccine industry does not want you to read. They don't even want doctors learning this, because the more doctors begin to investigate this issue, the more they become convinced that they've been lied to about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.

    Many doctors, in fact, who used to be strong vaccine proponents are now some of the most outspoken experts warning about the dangers of vaccines. They are now raising critical questions about the lack of legitimate scientific testing of vaccines, and they are realizing that the vaccine industry is engaged in a massive smoke-and-mirrors ploy to sell dangerous medicine that poses serious, lifelong risks to both children and adults.

    The doctors who are standing up to the vaccine industry are, of course, subjected to the most insidious and politicized attacks by vaccine proponents, but they are nevertheless being seen as heroes by an increasing number of parents (moms especially) who are now able to see through the lies of the vaccine industry.

    Even parents of the children studied in the original Lancet paper by Dr Wakefield are strong supporters of his ethics and his research.

    Here's what Julia Ahier said, on the record, about the attacks on Wakefield by the BMJ:

    "I am absolutely convinced that the MMR triggered my son's condition, as the first problems with pain occurred on the first evening after the vaccination and the loss of skills happened after also he had been gaining weight at a good rate and after the MMR he only gained 1lb 7ozs in 9 months.

    I think that Dr Wakefield has only tried to help these children he has not done anything which we as parents did not want him to do. The allegations were unjust because they did not arise from anyone who had medical investigations carried out on them or their parents.

    Doctor Wakefield did not recruit anyone into the study group. In our case our son was given the original referral to Professor Walker-Smith by another hospital and I sought a referral with Dr Wakefield our local pediatrician requested the referral.

    Dr Wakefield was the kindest most compassionate doctor who had ever taken an interest in our child's case. He did not perform any procedures on our child, these were done with our consent and agreement by other doctors. None of the tests which were performed on our child were against our wishes. There was no display of callous behavior. I have never had any communication with Brian Deer nor do I ever intend to."

    Where to learn more - important websites

    I really want to urge you to become a fan of Dr Gary Null ( who is doing the very best investigative journalism on this topic anywhere in the world. His four-hour "deconstruction" of the BMJ, Brian Deer and the barrage of false claims against Wakefield stands as perhaps the single most important investigative piece that has yet been produced on this topic. It makes the BMJ's own report by Brian Deer look like a late-night tweet from a drunken blogger.

    With his permission, we have made that audio file available for download here on NaturalNews:

    You can follow Gary Null on and

    Additional websites to check out:

    International Medical Council on Vaccination

    ThinkTwice Global Vaccine Institute

    Vaccination Liberation

    U.S. doctors who don't vaccinate

    Holistic Moms

    Moms Like Me

    Dr. Sherri Tenpenny


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