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Immunization Programs under Scrutiny - part 3
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Immunization Programs under Scrutiny - part 3

(NaturalNews) Vaccines are composed of protein, bacterial and viral material, as well as preservatives , neutralizers, and carrying agents. The vaccine against bacterial meningitis is made from the brains and heart of cows among other highly toxic components. Alarmed by the outbreak of mad cow’s disease, the Italian authorities ordered the seizure of the vaccine in January 1997 for fear it could cause the human version of the disease. By injecting such cocktails of foreign and destructive substances directly into the bloodstream, the human body stands little or no chance of neutralizing the poisons.

Under normal circumstances, all ingested foods, beverages, etc. have to pass through the mucus membranes, the intestinal walls, or the liver before they are permitted into such important areas as the blood, the heart, or the brain. The sudden appearance of a poison in the bloodstream is often met by a counterattack of the immune system that uses an entire arsenal of antibodies to prevent death from poisoning (allergic reaction). This allergic response can lead to a sudden, sometimes fatal, collapse known as anaphylactic shock response. Among the causes of anaphylactic shock are immunizations for diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis B, and whooping cough. A young person’s immune system hasn't typically matured enough to be effective against this type of onslaught.

No less dangerous is the Guillain-Barré syndrome which leads to paralysis and is caused by immunizations for measles, diphtheria, influenza, tetanus, and the oral polio vaccine. This is hardly surprising when one considers the high toxicity of these vaccines. It is well known that children whose immune systems are already weak experience more serious complications than those whose constitution and immune system are much stronger. Still, vaccines are given indiscriminately regardless of the children’s health status. Many children at infancy don’t even get the chance to be healthy later in life because they are pumped full of these poisons against which they are helpless. At this stage of development, a child has not yet acquired full natural immunity and has little ability to protect himself.

Increasing evidence shows that chronic diseases, such as Rheumatoid Arthritis , encephalitis, multiple sclerosis, leukemia, other forms of cancer and even AIDS diseases are linked to vaccinations administered in the early stages of life. Rheumatoid Arthritis is an inflammatory disease of the joints, which had been thought to afflict only the elderly. More recently though, the crippling disease has spread among the young generation and measles and rubella inoculations have been identified as the cause.

Researchers from the American Food and Drug Administration discovered that vaccinations, particularly the hepatitis B shot, could cause hair loss. They estimate that 50,000 Americans suffer hair loss (alopecia) after immunization every year. The report was published by the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1997.

It is nearly impossible to estimate the damage and suffering that has been created and will occur in the future as a result of inadequate information about the dangers of modern immunization programs. Parents want to do what is best for their children and they carry a heavy burden of responsibility to keep them healthy and safe. Misinformation can create a strong conflict in parents because they don’t want to neglect their children’s health or cause them any harm.

Most health authorities are not exactly helpful in supporting parents to choose what is best for their children. In spite of damaging evidence, such as the following, they still support the use of immunizations. For instance, the use of the mercury-based thimerosal as a preservative in vaccines has been associated with autism. Despite the evidence, mercury is still being added to vaccines at completely unsafe levels considering the fact that it is a known neurotoxin. A recent study conducted by the University of Calgary showed that mercury ions alter the cell-membrane of developing neurons in babies and young children, directly contributing to autism.

In the late 1990s, the U.S. Public Health Service and the American Academy of Pediatrics petitioned drug companies to remove thimerosal from vaccines intended for children. Why? Well, in one study that examined CDC statistics, researchers found evidence that children who receive just three vaccines containing thimerosal are 27 times more likely to develop autism, compared to children who get vaccinations containing no thimerosal. That’s a 2,700 percent increase. Who needs more proof than that? Apparently, the current (2007) administration of the U.S. government does.

Despite a 2004 campaign promise to the contrary, President Bush promised to veto the HHS-Labor-Education Appropriations Bill, which includes a measure to ban childhood flu vaccines that contain thimerosal because of cost concerns. As for now, despite the warnings, flu vaccines which contain thimerosal continue to be recommended for all pregnant women, infants and children, even though the Institute of Medicine recommended in 2001 that these population groups not be exposed to thimerosal-containing vaccines. One in every six women of childbearing age has enough mercury in her bloodstream to cause neurological damage to her unborn children, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Is it mere coincidence that rates of autism increased when the Center for Disease Control inserted additions to the recommended vaccination program for infants in 1988? In the 1980s, autism rates were estimated at only six in 10,000 children. Today one in 150 children is autistic, though in some areas autism affects closer to one in 50 children. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has acknowledged that thimerosal can be a neurotoxin (knowing very well that mercury is a neurotoxin), and in 2004 stated that thimerosal-containing vaccines were associated with autism. As of 2003, there were 1.5 million autistic U.S. children, adding $90 billion per year to the already skyrocketing health care costs.

According to ex-vaccine researcher Dr. Davis, who worked for many years in the laboratories of major pharmaceutical houses and the U.S. government's National Institutes of Health (his true name cannot be mentioned here for obvious reasons), all vaccines are dangerous to health. In an interview he stated that vaccines involve the human immune system in a process that tends to compromise immunity. “They can actually cause the disease they are supposed to prevent. They can cause other diseases than the ones they are supposed to prevent,” says this scientist.

While working with different vaccines, Dr. Davis found a number of contaminants in them. In the Rimavex measles vaccine, he found various chicken viruses. In the polio vaccine, he found acanthamoeba, a so-called brain-eating amoeba, and a simian cytomegalovirus. Also discovered was simian foamy virus in the rotavirus vaccine and bird-cancer viruses in the MMR vaccine. Various microorganisms were present in the anthrax vaccine and potentially dangerous enzyme inhibitors were present in several other vaccines. Duck, dog, and rabbit viruses were present in the rubella vaccine, avian leucosis virus in the flu vaccine, and pestivirus in the MMR vaccine.

What most people don't know is that some polio vaccines, adenovirus vaccines, rubella and hepatitis A and measles vaccines have been made with aborted human fetal tissue. Dr. Davis found what he believed were bacterial fragments and poliovirus in these vaccines from time to time which may have come from that fetal tissue. In addition, he also found “fragments” of human hair and human mucus. Apart from such contamination, it is worth mentioning that standard chemicals like formaldehyde, mercury, and aluminum are purposely put into vaccines. It is left up to your imagination as to what must happen to the health prospects of our future generations when such cocktails of ghastly poisons are directly injected into the bloodstream of a child.

Dr. Davis conceded that no long-term studies have been done on any vaccines, and that long-term follow-up is not done in any careful way. The assumption is made that vaccines do not cause problems, so why should anyone check? Besides, a vaccine reaction is defined so that all negative reactions are said to occur very soon after the shot is given. But a vaccine obviously acts in the body for a long period of time after it is given. A reaction can be very gradual, just as chemical poisoning can occur very gradually. Neurological problems can develop over time. In actual fact, a vaccine that contains mercury may not show any damage for several months. And who is testing or investigating when a child “becomes” autistic for no apparent reason? Those administering the vaccines claim “This vaccine is safe.” How can they be so sure of this when there is no scientific research to back up that claim, and when no testing procedures are in place to ensure their safety? Quite the opposite is true - plenty of evidence shows that vaccines are not safe.

Questions have recently emerged in the United States and Australia about the effectiveness and possibly dangerous side effects of Gardasil, Merck's newly licensed vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV). This vaccine is given to young girls to prevent cervical cancer, which kills about 3,700 women each year. On June 9, 2007, The British Medical Journal reported that three deaths occurred in the U.S. shortly after immunization with the vaccine; these were among 1,637 adverse reactions reported by Judicial Watch, a public interest watchdog. Judicial Watch obtained the reports from the Food and Drug Administration using the Freedom of Information Act. The reports were filed through the FDA's vaccine adverse event reporting system.

In Melbourne, Australia, 25 girls at a Catholic high school experienced headache, nausea, and dizziness after receiving their first injection of the vaccine, The Age reported. Merck, the manufacturer of this vaccine, is the same company that made Vioxx, the drug that killed over 60,000 people and that tried to conceal the facts of Vioxx’s deadly side effects. Although cervical cancer is easily preventable through non-drug approaches, Merck is trying to make this vaccination mandatory in all U.S. states. The drug-giant is clearly not interested in helping out a relatively few young girls who could be at risk of developing cervical cancer later in their lives; it rather wants to open up the huge potential market for cancer vaccines. Merck's own literature says it is important to realize that Gardasil does not protect women against some “non-vaccine” HPV types. In other words, even if girls accept the risks and get vaccinated, they can still get HPV.

Excerpt from Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation (500 pages) by Andreas Moritz ( or (

Topics also discussed in the book are:

* Is the Need for Immunization Based on Statistical Errors?

* How to Acquire Immunity Naturally, and How to Stay Immune

* The Vaccine-Autism Link

* Natural Methods of Nursing Children Back to Health

* Protect Yourself Against the Flu Vaccine!

* Why People Get the Flu

About the author

Andreas Moritz is a medical intuitive; a practitioner of Ayurveda, iridology, shiatsu, and vibrational medicine; a writer; and an artist. He is the author of The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush, Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation, Lifting the Veil of Duality, Cancer Is Not a Disease, It’s Time to Come Alive, Heart Disease No More, Diabetes No More, Simple Steps to Total Health, Diabetes—No More, Ending the AIDS Myth and Heal Yourself with Sunlight. For more information, visit the author’s website (

Vaccination Programs Under Scrutiny (Part 3)

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