I appreciate everyone's replys and words of encouragement.
Im from New England, U.S and the cold air and lack of sunshine seems to be making alot of my symptoms worse especially the
Depression and fatigue.
The only thing keeping me going is the fact that a few years ago (long before i knew anything about candida or
parasites or stomach problems) I was living in Florida and working out and was having alot of trouble with fatigue and getting thru the weightlifting. I was fresh out of a drug rehab and was trying to start a new life style and weightlifting was part of it. I read on the internet that broccoli increases testostorone so i bought a bag and ate more then half the bag raw, uncooked that day, the next morning my hernia (right above my scrotum) was bulging and feeling uncomfortable. Later on that day i repeated eating the raw broccoli and I began getting terrible diarrhea. I didn't feel sick or feverish or like I had any type of flu so i figured i must of got food poisoning or something. The diarrhea continued for 2 weeks. I pooped out crazy looking things and thought i must have cancer or something going on lol. I was having this explosive diarrhea 10- 15 times a day and it smelled like bacteria ridden rotten fish (Very similar to the way my athletes foot smells) It was yellow and green. I remember looking at some of the stuff in the toilet and googled it and some stuff about
parasites and fungus came up. I disregarded most of this and figured if it didnt go away I would go see a doctor. after the diarhhea went away I noticed I could lift TRIPLE what i was lifting at the gym beforehand. My friends thought i must of taken steroids. I felt more strength than i had ever felt all my life. My facial hair started growing in much thicker (always had very thin, facial hair like a 14 year old lol) my eyebrows grew in thick. Muscles began growing all over my body that i never new existed, my gynomastica (puffy nipples) went away. I had more confidence and felt "different" than I ever felt before. I looked amazing too, the muscles in my face grew and i looked much more handsome. My libido was thru the ROOF. All my senses seemed so much clearer and sharper, no more brain fog or getting tired during the day, music sounded and felt AMAZING to listen to... To make a long story short I had cleansed myself of the pathogens that had been ruining my life...
Ive always had substance abuse problems and was clean at the time when this was going on, but foolishly i started dating a girl that dabbled in drugs and alcohol and i relapsed...
5 years (and alot of unhealthy eating,
Antibiotics , envirements, heroin, alcohol, benzos which are the WORST thing to take if you have candida) and im in worse shape than ever... I fear I have ALS because my legs are getting soooo skinny and twitching all the time along with bouts of weakness...
anyways, cleansing is possible. Sadly broccoli wont work for me anymore. I had never eaten any vegatables my whole life up until that point(besides lettuce and tomato on a sandwhich lol) so none of the pathogens had any immunity to the broccoli and it killed em all.
Everyday i regret not following up that cleansing with yogurt or probiotics (theoretically keeping them from ever coming back, and sealing my gut for good)
Anyways, Im gonna keep researching and keep trying new things. If we stick together I think we can beat this and we can all regain our health. There is power in numbers... Thanks again everyone