I can't address the
Tapeworm part of of your post.
I will however post about the black specs you've mentioned.
Some possibilities, though not all possibilities:
1. Mite. You've mentioned that someone named Ice had scabies. There is a characteristic tunneling that takes place with this mite.
2. Helminth molt.
3. Actual helminth (nematode), coiled or otherwise.
4. Frass. Myiasis can occur. People are more familiar with bot flies in Central America.
There are smaller flying things that can afflict that result in much smaller larvae under the surface of the skin, complete with breathing tube.
The frass is larvae excrement.
I had black specs at the beginning of the realization that I was in deep trouble.
I got a 5x lighted magnifier from the WalMart optical section and a 60/100 handheld microscope from Radio Shack.
I cut strips of white paper to serve as background, kind of a poor man's microscope slide.
I hunted down the specs on the skin surface with the 5x.
Then I lifted them with the tip of a very narrow and sharply pointed toothpick (Asian market) or needle and placed them on the strips.
Examined with the 60/100x.
In my case the specs turned out to be:
A. Attributable to what I have tracked to date as the seeming nematode portion of Morgellons.
B. Larvae frass, the result of flying insects attracted to the seeming fungal/protozoal portion of Morgellons.
I don't have the larval frass anymore and the seeming nematode portion of Morgellons is no longer presenting as the black specs in the numbers they did at first dawning of perceived problem.
As an aside, some about nematodes that can afflict the skin.
Besides the seeming nematode portion of Morgellons there are others.
Strongyloides Stercoralis has long been endemic to the S.E. U.S.
Infective larvae forms have been found on the surface of produce.
So-called no-see-ums, small black and brown flies, can transmit zoonotic infection of helminths.
These would be nematodes that normally afflict animals.
And there are other things as well.
The lack of sleep was a huge problem.
These days I take 2 Relax and Sleep (Dollar Tree), being valerian, chamomile, and melatonin, and 3 diphenhydramine before going to bed.
I let them kick in and then go to sleep.
It was very important for me to find out what the black specs actually were.
With the exception of one ER doc who prescribed ivermectin and wrote that the problem was mites in the record (as a result of handling a live wild bird), doctors were no help other than prescribing steroid creams.
And that one doc was visited before taking notice of the black specs.
The possibilities I've mentioned are just that, possibilities.
There is only one way to really try and find out what the black specs are and that one will most likely be on you.
There were no microscopes on hand at all of the docs I visited in this.
I no longer go to doctors for this, and I try not to go at all for anything any longer.
I am at the two year mark of awareness of problem.
In fact, this month, October, marks that 2 year, "anniversary."
I am very sorry to hear that you have a problem.
Doctors are taught in the U.S. that Americans don't have
parasites unless they have traveled out of the country.
This last, traveling out of the country, is no guarantee that anyone will get any real help from a U.S. health care professional.
I'd explained to one that I had been in Asia.
She prescribed steroid cream.
We are very much on our own in this at this date. Perhaps that will change.
Immigration and the dissolution of borders via air travel may help in raising awareness of parasitic infections other than the 3, pinworms, scabies, lice, that U.S. docs recognize.
There is one thing that has really been a GodSend for me, and that is raw garlic.
Not the pills. They don't cut it for me at all.
No, stinky, coming through the pores, doses of raw garlic.
It is important that I have a natural probiotic. Yogurt, sour cream, kim chi.
Coconut oil, as in ingestion, has been important in getting a handle on managing symptoms.
Last but not least are the foam soaps I put together for external use.
I have one that specifically addresses the seeming fungal/protozoal portion and several that address the seeming nematode portion.
They are rotated.
That's about all I have this morning.
I hope that you can get some kind of handle on what is afflicting you and back it down to where you can find a, "center," and can regain some of what has been lost.