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If you are pursuing natural means to heal yourself, why would you consider Rx?
Herbs have been used for eons to kill parasites. So called modern medicine has no appeal to me whatsoever.
I have always been repelled by it, but get more and more disgusted as I grow older and more experienced.
It's seedy, deceitful and corrupt.
Yes, modern humans are teaming with
parasites that have been man made and administered. But that doesn't mean that through diet and herbs you can't take an infestation down to a normal load.
Have I done it yet? Yes, but I do keep getting reinfected, mostly due to my own negligence in keeping up with the maintenance doses in between herbal rounds.
You are correct to be weary of all protocols however, because de-worming yourself can be akin to chemotherapy, natural or no.
Truthfully, I don't think anyone on here really knows, I'm sorry. I have searched and searched and you get so many mixed reviews and results. The best thing I've found is a raw diet and herbs. You may have to forge your own path and i wish you all the best in your endeavors.