There are incremental benefits.
It is not to be tried, though, for more than 12 hours in the beginning. Further, I rarely have more than few days to fast, so accelerating everything for me is very handy.
The importance of empty intestines is so much more important if dry fasting, in my opinion. Also I believe, that heavy ppl or ppl that hold onto a lot of water weight, dry fast much easier.
I did dry in the middle of a water fast. I did not have a weight loss goal and never had. Although, just as an example of autolysis taking place with a dry fast period: I was
Water Fasting for 3 days already and the weight loss was 1 - 0.5 - 0
pounds per day. For the next 36 hrs dry I lost 4
lbs. Two of them were autolysis material, the other two- dehydration. I was thirsty like out of my mind, and maybe went too far, since under normal circumstances I usually drink a LOT of water -- I got the 2 lbs of dehydration back into my body as a distilled water in a matter of 6 hrs or so, when I reintroduced water to thirst satisfaction. I finished by
Water Fasting for another 60 hrs.
I firmly believe, and had all the connected sensations and signs, that having a dry period accelerated the benefits.
Important: I don't recommend it, if one has blood clothing problems, has large distended veins - varices - and is not moving much, has weak heart, had constipation or very low BP until recently or is in poor general health.